
Daily Taoist 1_54 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO#31c – Right Side Yang Seeks Control to Balance Yin

TAO #31c

The right side of our body is a yang/male polarity

that will extend itself for control.

By positioning the right/yang side to a yin side:

control is attained by balance.


Alright.  I’m back again, THE Daily Tao.  THE Daily Taoist.  The Tao of The Daily.

[LAUGHS]. Anyway, Zhen Shen-Lang here. Tao of Taoism.  Reading to you the BOOK OF CHANGES.  Dao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu.

And now last time we talked about the female side of the body.  

This is #31c. 

So this will finish NUMBER 31.

You know we talked about victory lust parades.  Military Yin and Yang. And putting the whole thing together.

So Yin and Yang creates trust or war. It’s kind of what we’ve already sort of packaged this whole thing together.  If you can have Yin and Yang like this then you have friendship.

If you have Yin and Yang where you’re just fighting… you know right fist against right fist… then you’ve got a war. 

So that’s what we’ve got to learn is: we’ve got to learn how to somebody— somebody’s gotta sometimes be the feminine in order to be a friend

Okay so I think that’s— there’s all kinds of things to be just saying.  But you need that balance. You know, friendship isn’t two guys… well my arm’s as strong as you ever… that total competition.

At some point each of you need to acquiesce to the other for some reason. 

Okay. But for harmony — for TAO. #31C.


Now remember the other one was it would only… it was extend itself in friendship. If they had trust.  Control and trust.   Control and Trust.. And there you have it.  

Yeah, that’s our Shaolin salute by the way. That’s not the reason we do it, but you see all these things are kind of embodied. 

You see.  Life has its harmonies. And you realize when you’re in the Tao sometimes.

Okay.  Here we go back.   Go back to the right side.  

The right side is controlled by positioning the right Yang side to a Yin side.

Remember, the Yin?  Somebody says hey you’re really cool and I want to hang out with you.  You know they come over to this side.  Okay, 


Over here was by trust.  Friendship is balanced by trust. So she’s thinking, I’m willing to be here because I trust him.  And he says, I’m willing to let you be there because this is balance.  

We have a balance now.  If she was creating an imbalance, he wouldn’t want her there.  

But the point is: that if you gotta have balance.  So he sees it as a balance.  She sees it as friendship or partnership.

Okay?  So that’s just a perspective of the two Yins and Yangs.

Remember, we’re about the Tao.  All Tao is a matter of perspectives remember? 

All the souls have perspectives.  The Yang has a different perspective than the Yin.  And so you’ve got to look at it that way. And we all have Yang and Yins in us. So we have to— or Ying and Yang. We have to figure out how to come to terms with the Yin or Yang that’s in us.  

Okay, except it. You’ve got to deal with it.  Make something out of it.  Okay.  

So where were we?

We’re on “c.”  Wasn’t it 31c? 

There it is:

Describe what you desire of people.

Describe what you desire of people. 

I actually just wrote a list and put it on my board.

I did it in small handwriting, so I have to get in there and, “What did I write?” 

But it says, “What do I want out of people?”  Because I’m not looking for sex.   I’m not looking for a pretty girl, or pretty face, or somebody to cook. I’m not looking for those things in people.

I’m looking for people that are maybe in the movie business, or the animators,or maybe even a record producer or something.  

I’m looking for people to be friends that are going to benefit my future, and then I can benefit them.  I can supply them something that’ll make their future better too.

So anyway, describe what people you want, what you desire of people.


What do you look for in people to further your goals? 

Remember, that’s what I just said.

So what do you need… to meet people you know.

We can meet people all the time… but have more of a purpose.  I confess I— 

That’s part of the reason I know people so well is I have just accepted everybody equally and then tried to figure out how to fit them into my life — instead of looking for the natural talents, and then just be more of a talent scout. 

What do you avoid in people to minimize conflict and competition?

What did you look for in people so as to avoid, minimize that conflict and competition? 

So what are you?  

Yeah.  What are you? 

What’s your answer? 

Describe the common aspects of your best relationships. 

So look back over all your friendships: male and female.   

And what were the best things that connected them together? 

When you were happy? 

They were happy? 

What was the kind of things holding that together?

How do you utilize your Yin female side to gain control?

How do you use your submissive side to gain control?

How do you utilize your male and female sides to maintain control?

So now I’m saying both together, but anyway… they’re different.

Okay.  So like I said, the one hand wants balance.

It’s gonna build something that’s balanced.  Okay? 

The other one’s Yin.  It’s softer.  It’s not as strong.  

It’s just looking for a comfortable place it can feel happy.

So one’s willing to put in some work and the other’s willing to relax. Yin and Yang.

So explain your male/female emotional balance. 

Hey, can you jump into that? 

Explain your male/female emotional balance.

So are you aware of how you have female thinking versus male thinking? 

And I remember I used to only think in the sexes — is immaterial. The environmental thing. The Darwinian programming.  

But now I realize there’s the Soul thing.  So that’s all adds a whole other dimension to looking at this behavioral thing. So now I’ve got to back up and see it from a bigger picture.

But how do you explain your male/female emotional balance? 

Explain your male/female mental balance.

Okay.  So remember, you have an emotional balance you know.

How you react to things and how long you stay pissed off.

Or if you ever get pissed off or happy, or how excited do you get?

That’s your emotional balance.

Your mental balance: that’s how well you learn and retain and feel good about you know being competent.  And staying and I don’t know… just being smart.  Just learning. Okay? 

Explain your male/female physical balance. 

So there you’ve got that physical about how much he wants to work. 

How much she wants to relax.

So what’s your kind of balance: male and physical — male and female in terms of your physical part of your balance… 

How masculine… how masculine do you walk?

When and why does it change?  

In other words, when you walk, do you walk in a masculine way or do you walk in a feminine way?

Oh I’ve spent a lot of time practicing.  Because I was at the… you locked me in a box with a whole bunch of people and as far as I’m concerned you got me with a whole bunch of test subjects.

When I was in that shelter for a year. I started like trying to study some of the behavior… and one of the most interesting parts of it was trying to imitate the female walk.  

So a lot of women were walking… and you can tell a feminine walk from a male walk.  And so I was trying to figure out what it was.

I was just out in the street. It was probably… so many people driving by… They must have thought I was pretty kooky — because I’m sure I couldn’t… I could not get it natural.  I was trying to. I was trying to.  

But anyway, and some women just really have walks you know… where they really forcibly turn their hips and and I had to watch their feet. So I did the whole Kung Fu of it down.   How far are their feet… Are they walking?  Are they crossing?   What’s the footwork?  Okay.  How much is the heel?   And then I had to put all this together.

It was a lot of work.  A woman works very very hard, to in other words, make that female thing happen. So it made me kind of wonder how much there’s other things going on to motivate all this.

So we can get into all of that later.

But anyway, the masculine walk.  So I came to realize that the feminine walk is you know it’s like a flower you know you.  Could be a thousand feet away and you’re gonna be able to recognize a woman walking different than a man walking. It’s just like— it’s a beaming light and a light flashing.  

[LAUGHS] A sign to attract the bees. But anyway, but it was interesting.  

And so anyway, let’s get to the reasonings and the Darwinian stuff we can talk about another time.  But it was interesting.  And I was looking at the behavior and of how they are interacting and how it’s affecting the relationships.  

And the walks: the male and the female… And it was the whole thing. And I used— When I was exiled in Canada.   When I lived in Canada, I actually turned on the TV one night to watch Monty Python’s Flying Circus and I saw the “Funny Walk” thing.  I actually saw it I think the date that it was broadcast on the CBC the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation when I was living in Newfoundland.

And so when that “Funny Walk” show, which is I guess a classic.  I actually was sitting in front of a television in St. John’s, Newfoundland watching that show.  And it cracked me up. A couple of their shows did.  

But they were just so kooky I couldn’t… but there wasn’t any television I didn’t watch much.

I play guitar you know.  Even just listening through headphones. She had a great stereo system and she had great records.  She was really into—  Sally, she had a great record collection, and she always got everything right then.  That’s why I had all the current records and I didn’t— You know— Now I realize when I look. 

When did that record come out?  Now I really amazed like, wow.  I had all this stuff right then when it was being released.  And that stuff, it was really great in the headphones and I was in — you know…

How feminine do you walk?  When and why?

So you had the masculine and this goes for women too.  

And I’ve— now me, I find the women who walk masculine are very attractive.  And I’m trying to figure that out.  And I’ve seen them in high heels.  I’ll see a woman in high heels. So I think it looks sexy but you know it must have a feminine walk… but no.  She would walk just in just a really like assertive way. And I was like… and with the high heels and boots you know… it’s like, wow, now that’s attractive you know.

But the masculinity of it actually attracts, attracts me… because I guess I’m not a reproductive thing you know.  I don’t have as much reproductive— well actually I think… But not anymore anyway. [LAUGHS]

I’m not as attracted to the feminine walk as much as the masculine woman walk. It was—  I find that to be much more.  I guess it’s empowering too.  Because I like women who can do Kung Fu.  I’m really looking for a— 

I don’t want somebody who’s gonna go, “oh that’s too hard.”   That one girl  who’s gonna go,  “Let’s do it again!” 

“Oh, okay.” 

I’m talking about exercise.

All right, so how feminine do you walk?  

When and why? 

We’re at 10 minutes.

My suggestions. 

And that was #31C.

That completes #31.

And to actually wrap up #31C, 

NUMBER #31B was 

The left side of our body is a Yin female polarity 
that will only extend itself in friendship 
when we trust one another.
By offering our left Yin side in friendship —

 and this can be a weapon, but we’re talking about it… we see everything from the big picture.

By offering our left Yin side in friendship, 
we stand alongside the right Yang side of our friend.

So if you want to turn someone into a friend this is how you do it.  Okay, you can’t force it.  

You do it.  This is the harmonious and Tao way. 

Friendship is balanced by trust.  Okay? 

So you have to be trustworthy too – that’s why marriages don’t work.  They can’t trust each other.

#31A to round out this whole #31: 

The celebration of victory and love of weapons 
are vile lusting for death.

Are a vile listing for death?

Military parades are funeral processions in advance.

So remember when you cheer at a military parade you’re killing. You’re excited to go kill people.

Okay, Daily Taoist here to end all wars. 

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t trying to say go to a military parade and cheer.

Now when I was a kid I saw the Blue Angels and stuff.  I would go to those parades with my dad.  My dad was in the military army.  So I went to the military parades and I enjoyed them. I saw them and I yeah, but really mostly… I liked the boat races and the stuff that really wasn’t military.

But um I went to it.  I was actually like I said— I was like I could have touched him.  I’ve been that close to Eisenhower.  Ike Eisenhower.  I saw John F Kennedy, and get in and out of a helicopter and do his speech.  I can’t remember anything he said.  [LAUGHS]

We were way… I was way far in the back with my mom. My dad was graduating.  But whatever it was I—whatever it was we were way far away. But anyway, but I was there.  And I can remember the helicopter landing and I can remember that he was John F. Kennedy and he got in.  And so that that was the extent.  

How’d we get onto that?

12 minutes.

But I was talking about the military.  The love of military.  I— you know— Like I said, I come from the old homophobic military war machine slave producing families.

A lot of the things I might even think I enjoy you know it’s like wow maybe I shouldn’t have enjoyed those as much but I did.  I was a kid.  Go along with it and that’s what we do — we brainwash everybody into going along with this murder and stuff and I’ve been brainwashed to some extent too.  Just nobody thinks something of it.

All right, let’s decide who we are. Let’s decide what right and wrong is.  And let’s decide correctly please.  With balance and Taoism.  

And remember if you’re making the wrong decisions… There should be ways you can tell and figure that out. There’s— I mean, I’ve seen Trump’s problems illuminated you know just dramatically.  

So all of— everything that’s going wrong right now could be prevented by anybody who understands this book.

If you understand this book you can prevent a large number of our problems.

We’ve just got to work together to end all wars.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_49 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO#28 Virtues Determine Rewards of Path to Goals

YouTube Video TRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 49

Man! This is a great book! That’s what I like about– Oftentimes I’m writing books, I’m writing for myself. And then I just make them so they’ll work for other people. A lot of these books like this one– This one was written 100% for me in the beginning. Then whe I formed my Kung Fu school I said, “Well, let’s change this over for my students.” And then about ten years ago I thought, “Well, maybe let’s see if I can change it over for the world.” And so, yeah. So you’re getting a kind of presentation of it. And then I’m gonna go in and record the audio book. So I recommend you go get the audio book. It’ll be recorded nicer, and you can listen to it. It o there wa pwon’t be so distracting. And hopefully I won’t ramble so much. [laughs] I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Alright. Let’s see. Okay, and by the way: the last question– I hurried off on the last video. Was, Do you enjoy reading how-to books? This is a how-to book: How-to put yourself together.

And by the way, I think I mentioned there was a pausing in on one of the videos. Maybe it was the last one and it kind of shut down. I think– did I do it? I think I did. You go into your SETTINGS and you put it on AIRPLANE MODE. Okay? So now you won’t get phone calls and stuff that actually shut down my recording program. But the program sends NOTICES. So I’ve told most of my programs, “DON’T SEND ME NOTICES.” My bank apps and all these different apps. I turned all the notices off on almost every single one. With a couple exceptions, including my phone which tells me when there’s something on my calendars or something. So the only way I can shut that down is tell them, “I’m asleep.” I still have to go into NIGHT MODE. So that’s AIRPLANE MODE plus NIGHT MODE and I think I can shoot without interruption. And I think that’s why it jammed up: I was getting a couple of notices. From the SETTINGS of my phone.

Okay. So here we go. #28 of the DAO TE CHING, or my version of it. The TAO OF TAOISM by me, Buddha Zhen. And this is THE DAILY TAOIST coming to you. And if this HAPPENS I’d love to be The Daily Taoist man. It’d be good for me. I’m enjoying this– maybe more than you are. [LAUGHS] It’s something that I would enjoy doing for ME. Let alone for you. Because I can’t really afford to be doing things for other people that aren’t of any benefit to what I’ve got to do now. I’ve got to focus my life. Remember? We’ve been talking about that in previous lessons. And that’s what I’m doing. I’m deciding who I am. What I am. What I’ve got to do. What’s important to me. And, kind of putting my life back in a new focus. In a new path.

# 28:
Life’s lessons are learned
by aggressive awareness that watches patiently.

Wow. How much of that’s me? And how much of that’s Lao Tzu? I don’t know right off hand. [LAUGHS] That’s a great line. It sounds like ME a lot. But remember this is Lao Tzu and my interpretation. So I definitely flavored this.

But here we go.

Life’s lessons are learned
by aggressive awareness that watches patiently.

There’s a bunch of noise going on out there. Sorry about that. Sounds like the trash can.

Wholesome values create pathways to goals
as rewards unfold naturally
according to the virtues of the person
who also realizes that the path rewards
are not the goals.

WOW! This is great stuff! This is great stuff. We should all review this on a monthly basis. Read this book every month.

Life’s lessons are learned by aggressive awareness that watches patiently.

Say, that’s very good. And most people don’t pay attention. I mean, tell me the colors of the houses down your street when you walk to the bus stop or whatever. What are the colors? Pay attention! But in order to really pay attention that means you’ve gotta aggressively pay attention. Okay? Look at that. “Hey, I didn’t even know that house had a white porch,” you know. And then there’s a grey house, you know… You’ll start to notice.

It takes awareness. It takes an effort. Cows, no matter if they’re all looking at the same thing… They ain’t seein’ nothin’. [LAUGHS] Their–their heads just pointed that way. So that’s how most people are. Their head’s just pointed a certain direction. They don’t see nothin.’ THEY DON’T SEE NOTHIN’. What am I? Talking very educated.

Now. Let me read it one more time and we’ll continue.

Wholesome values create pathways to goals.–

(I like that. There’s always a path to the goal but let’s do it with wholesome values.)

–As rewards unfold naturally–

(In other words, you’re gonna get some rewards as you’re headed towards your goal.)

–according to the virtues of the person–

(Okay, so your values now are going to determine the rewards that are going to happen along your path. Like Trump’s rewards are scorn and scandal. And he’s gonna be– I mean, to be honest with you he’s gonna try to pardon himself. But he needs to go to court and go to jail for all of the stuff he’s done as Presideent. I’m serious. He should go to jail. Yeah. We’ve gotta. We’ve gotta let people know in the future that they can’t just hijack our government and get away with it. He needs to go to jail. But anyway, those are his rewards that should unfold naturally.)

–according to the virtues of the person–

(His virtues are very very illegal.)

–who also realizes that the path rewards are not the goals. —

(And he realizes that these– Well actually, that’s one of the reasons he’s so screwed up. He thinks that all these rewards that he’s getting: these payolas and everything… He thinks these are his goals. That’s why he’s gonna pay the price for that. His goal should’ve just been: to be a good President. Do the best for our country and all this. But no. He’s just picking all the fruit off the tree. And it’s like, “We want you to help us run this farm.” And he says, “Oh sure!” And then he goes in and slaughters all the animals… and eats all the stuff… He’s just making a mess of the whole place. He’s not taking care of it. He’s not making it better than when he got there. He’s just pillaging. So that’s our President: pillaging our country. Pillaging our democracy.)

Okay. Here we go. What time is it? Five minutes? Okay. I’ve got a fifteen minute limit to get this on IGTV.

How much effort do you put into learning something new every day? [LAUGHS]

Every day! What do you put into learning something new? It’s so frustrating.

I’ve got a friend I’m trying to get to work with — I don’t want to say names, but a fellow producer. I’m just trying to get him to work on one of movie projects. “I don’t have time. I can’t even put in an hour a week.” You know, he’s just– So anyway, he doesn’t learn anything new every day. I’ve known him for quite a few years, I couldn’t tell you what he’s learned. I couldn’t tell you what he’s learned in the last few years. Nothing as far as I can tell.

But anyway–

Describe your patience.

Describe your impatience.

How much does it bother you when people are late?

How much does it bother you when people are late?

Are you good at ‘killing time’ — when you have to wait?

Are you good at killing time when you have to wait?

How do you do it? So what are the ways you do kill time if you have to? See what… anyway–

Do you squeeze Kung Fu– (Remember I told you I wrote this for my students.) –Do you squeeze Kung Fu practice in when unexpected gaps appear in your day?

When I was in Salt Lake City I was going to mix down, well I did. I paid a mastering engineer. I had to get it mastered so I could make a CD. And then I didn’t have enough money to make CDs. It was two or three years later I ended up getting a CD made. Sheesh. Being poor sucks!

Being poor has always hindered the production of my life and my ability to even help my family.

But as far as my stepfather was concerned: That’s okay. He didn’t care how much my family or me suffers or that I’m homeless. He’s just my FATHER.

I’ve got to go to a different planet. This planet sucks! Sorry I said that. This is a horrible planet to live on. [LAUGHS] Unless you want to be a cow. If you like working it’s a great planet. It’s a slave planet. If you want to just work and get paid–this is where you go. The planet to come and have a job.

Alright. Where were we?

Um, How much does it bother you– Oh, anyway. When I was waiting, the guy was almost an hour late. But when I was waiting for him I was doing all my Kung Fu practice. It was a morning thing. So he was supposed to be there like 9:30 or 10:00… He got there at like 11:30. I forget but he was an hour, almost an hour late. And I don’t even care what his excuse was. But the point is that while I was waiting I was doing all my Kung Fu workouts. So by the time he got there, I’d done them all. I’d done my Tantuis, some stretching and all that stuff so I was like, “Yeah. I got my daily workout routine totally done.” And I went in there and mastered in the studio.

So in a way, his being late–If he would’ve been on time, I wouldn’t have done that. I wouldn’t have got that workout in before the session. But having got the workout in I was in I was even– in my prime.

So you can make the day better by taking advantage of other people’s mistakes. Work with the Tao. Don’t fight against it.

Anyway. But anyway, there’s lots of advice I could give you. But it’s not gonna do any good if you don’t have that Nature. We’ve got to build in your Nature. Otherwise my advice isn’t going to fit into your Nature.

So let’s just figure out who you are. Don’t worry about what I’m telling you is good advice. Just figure out who you are and then you can figure how to take the advice that you like, and make yourself a person who can actually utilize that advice. Okay?

So, do you squeeze Kung Fu practice in when unexpected gaps appear in your day?

Summarize your values.

That’s all it says. They’re very vague questions to me but anyway:

Summarize your values.

We all have a value system. “Yeah. I go to work and I get paid. And I expect my wife to be there and kids to be clean…” You’ve got a value system. Or I expect to be treated well at work. And have a safe place. I need a parking spot. What are your values?

Who influenced your values and how did they devleop?

So if you’re back to the worker thing and you want to work, you want to have a place for your car and stuff… Are you imitating the role model of your dad or your mom? It’s one of those types of relationships and scenarios that your trying to fit into it. And feel omfortable… taking over that cog in the wheel.

Remember, I’m not making value judgments. I mean, you can probably tell that I don’t ascribe to some of these things…

Here we go. Fast. These are not– My value is to make you happy. Don’t try to be an artist like me. And I shouldn’t try to be a worker like you. See? We’ve just gotta play in our– We’ve got to find our Tao. Our Natures.

How many of your values were developed by you as opposed to the ones your parents may have taught you?

And remember that later– like fifteen years later, 20 years later I wrote the ACT ZEN book. Act Zen to Be Zen. And that’s based a lot on this book, and Buddhism, and a lot on my UCLA script writing classes. I learned about character development. So I put all that together: that’s ACT ZEN. Great book. Great book. Another one of those books you’d like to read at least once a year.

How many of your values are your parents and your religion’s teachings?

So look at– Where are your values coming from? Okay. So you said a minute ago that you have values: “I will not lie. I will not cheat. I will not steal. I will not kill.” Not everybody makes that value. Hopefully you do. Put that value down on–If you can write down, “I do not– I will not kill.” Really. I’d like to see you write that down.

Let’s see. So how many of your values are from your parents? And how many are from your religion?

Kind of separate them out and know where you’re coming from. And then you can say, “Oh what about all these other values I’ve got?”

Well, where’d those come from?

Kind of put yourself together. That ‘s what ACT ZEN does. It figures out where you learned everything. And where everything you do came from.

As an actor you need to know all your motivations. We’re not going into the spiritual thing. I didn’t even mention the spiritual thing back then. I’m just looking at your psychology of how you react and act. Which is mostly programmed, environmental.

But as we of course have always noticed whenever we do character program. A lot of people seem to be born in with certain traits. And now my SOUL THEORY explains them.

Here we go.

Despite all your values, how do you determine right from wrong?

You’ve got all these values working for you , but what do you really– How do you choose right from wrong?

“Well, it’s whether I like it or not.” “Smells good or it doesn’t smell good.”

What is it? How do you determine it?

What’s my time. Twelve minutes. Okay.

Explain the– It says, Oh–

List your virtues.

How are you a virtuous person? How are you a role model? How are you better than average?

How are you virtuous? How are you better than the average person?

Got any virtues? Hope so.

Explain the significance of money to you.

Okay? How significant? My relatives all call it, “My money.” “That’s my money.” “I don’t want the government taking it.” “Less government is less money…” They’ve got all these weird perspectives. Their money. Their money. They’ve all been bankrupt with their money. They’ve taken their money and they’ve all been bankrupt. All my relatives, they’ve all gone through at least one bankruptcy. I think every single one of them. They’re all Republican. It’s a normal thing I think.

Gotta hurry up. Thirteen minutes.

Explain the significance of money to you.

Like I said, my parents they get theirs. My mom said she’s gonna die with it. Remember I told you, my step father died and won’t give any. My mom says they’re taking it to the grave. They don’t think it’s right to even give it to me when they’re dead. I have no idea what he did with all his money. He’s a millionaire. Well he probably gave everything to her. But it, yeah. So I guess she’s got everything. So she’s a double millionaire.

But anyway, she said when she dies I’m not gonna get any. My parents! Like I said, I’ve got to find a better planet. I’ve gotta find a planet with good parents on it.

What rewards have come to you recently?

And be thankful. We’ve gotta be thankful. Because I actually did get a few rewards from my parents. Even my horrible realtives. They actually bailed me out a couple of times. One of my cousins without– I told him I’d make it a donation to Tai Chi Youth, but it was really to me. He gave me a thousand bucks. And without that I couldn’t have been able to rent the truck and everything to escape. I would’ve been stuck in Vegas even longer. So I give thanks to my cousin for that. One of my brothers gave me his old car when he replaced it. So I do get little things. And I do remember every one of these little things… I appreciate them. But overall… you know…

I’ve gotta hurry real fast.

What rewards have come to you recently?

What rewards are near?

What rewards do you have coming up here?

What goals were completed recently of yours?

And what goals are near?

Real fast.

So remember these rewards and goals may tie together and that’s what we’re kind of looking for.

I’ve gotta hurry and end this here.

But look at your goals and then look at the rewards you’re getting and try to figure out the relation and put your virtues–look at the whole thing and see if Lao Tzu is right.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_45 – Buddha Zhen Explores TAO #23 WHAT You Do is WHO You Are and WHERE You’re Going

YouTube Video s eTRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 45

Oh yeah. My formatting. I’m realizing what I want to do is read THE TAO at the end of it as well. So when we’re done at the end, I’m usually in a hurry, I’ll try to read THE TAO again so we can kind of see where we were coming from.

The last one was harmonizing our desires with Nature. And our own inner Nature.

Tao #23

Actions equal your Nature.

I’ve got a song about this. But let’s just read on.

Intelligent actions equal an intelligent Nature.

Did I write that to compliment myself? [LAUGHS]

The rewards of actions are Natural events.

Rewards of actions… Ahhhh. See…. BING. A little light bulb went off. Because I’m looking for rewards… finance… sell… sales or something. But I can’t find that Natural event. That’s why I’m saying, “Do I get out of Patreon?” I was hoping Patreon would be a Natural event. That would help me market and find people who would appreciate and support me. But it was not the Natural event I guess I’m looking for. I don’t know. I’m lost. I’m lost on this planet. That’s why I don’t want to come back. There’s not a Natural event for me as an artist. Or a creative thinker… Or a philosopher… I can’t find the Natural events for me to tap into. To get sustanence or provide nourishment for other people. I can’t tap into that. I’m just like a lone wolf out here all by myself with nobody to talk to.

So the Natural events for me to grow and share with you– I haven’t figured that out yet. That’s why I’m trying YouTube and my websites. Is that my Natural event?

Here we go.

Goals are attained through Natural behavior.

Well, I don’t force myself to do this. In fact actually I have to force myself NOT to do stuff… to be a creative person. Because I’ve got so much other stuff to do.

So my Natural behavior though is to always tend back to creating the art and spending less time doing the other things I might want to do.

Trusting Nature, The Tao, is trusting one’s own actions.

Yes, I’ve come to harmonize with the fact I’m a creative person. I accept the fact that I have these needs and desires and abilities that need to be–just utilized. Just be who I am. So I’ve known that ever since I was a teenager. And that nobody else can see it. That’s–I could never figure that out. So hurtful… that people couldn’t see my Nature. Which I’ve had ever since I was a teenager.

My own mother, she sent me a card. Might have had a check in it. I’ve gotten two checks from my mom in the last two years. I think my relatives pressured her because they know I’ve been kicked out and my mother didn’t give me anything. She’s a millionaire. And I’m homeless. Anyway, so… but one of those things she gave me–she gave me a card. There was two. I kept them both. They’re very very confusing. I showed them to my friends and my friends went, “Wow. That’s weird.” But one of the card… well– [LAUGHS] It says, “I hope you find your dreams.”

It’s like, I found my dreams FIFTY YEARS AGO. I’ve just been playing with them and working and creating them ever since. But because my mother never saw it as a money pot–in other words, the dream is always at the other end of the rainbow. And when you actually find your rainbow that’s your dream it always comes with the pot of gold. See? So my mom married her, my evil stepfather who passed away last year and left me nothing so I could stay homeless. He was evil. [LAUGHS] he was a horrible person. That was my stepfather. Anyway he– I don’t really want to got there. But I had a reason for going here. But um… Yes, so anyway.

Where were we. Anyway. She said– She couldn’t– “I hope you find your dream.” I found my dreams, but my parents refused to accept that you’re allowed to have dreams. You’re not allowed– They call me “A Dreamer.” And they think it’s wrong to be a dreamer. It’s a sin to be a dreamer. In fact that’s one of the reasons my mom disowned me. She said I’m “A Dreamer.” That wouldn’t work. “Just get a job like everybody else.” She thinks it’s wrong to support dreamers. So she took me out of her “WILL” so she wouldn’t support a dreamer. That was her motivation.

Okay. Here we go.

Describe your personality.

Well, I’d like you to describe it. [LAUGHS] It’s changed though. I wasn’t so comical. You look at pictures of me as a kid. I was like this robot I was like Data [from Star Trek]. No emotion. No smile. I look at those pictures like– That’s why I’d like for some people to tell me what I was like. I had my own perspective. I was just being me. But when I look at those pictures I think, “Man, that’s a pretty–” I don’t know. I wasn’t sour but, I definitely wasn’t as jovial as happy as I was– as now. So my personality has changed you know to what it is now. And having kids made me able to just make a mockery of myself. Once you have kids, you lose all your ego. Your self-esteem. [LAUGHS] No, not all of it. You know, you…basically… you have to just– When you become a Mr. Mom. You have to get down into that world.

Which is also what destroyed my reputation with my kids, in terms of Taoism [Confucianism]. Which is okay, but in Taoism [Confucianism] the father is ‘grave’ at home. I was like, “What?” That was one of my favorite translations of that. But it always bothered me the most. So it took me fifteen years–or ten years to figure it out. Father is ‘grave’ at home. “What?” “What is that supposed to mean?” Well, what it means is when Father goes home and he starts playing with the kids–they’re never going to take him seriously. He’s just like the neighbor father. He’s like the other kid. Or he’s like mom. Or he’s like big brother. He’s not special anymore. So when the Father comes home–what they mean by ‘grave’ is he’s always acting like he’s in a funeral. He has his whole other world of friends, socializing, and business, and partying. He doesn’t take the kids. So he’s got a whole other social world. So when he comes home to his children–in Confucian society he’s a King. And his children treat him with respect. Sure he can go play. But he plays seriously. He’s a teacher. You treat this person like a college professor.

See, I didn’t have that with my kids. So my kids will never have that kind of respect for me. They see me as just the daycare worker. [LAUGHS]

Okay. Where were we? It’s six minutes. Let’s see:

Describe your personality.

You describe yours. Describe mine while you’re at it. I’d love to hear what you say.

Describe your spiritual character.

Oh man, has that changed over the years too. Remember? I was a Catholic. And I was an Atheist. And then I became a Buddhist. And then I became a Native American Pipe Carrier. Then I became a Taoist. And then, oh yeah, I studied the Muslim religion. I won’t call myself a Muslim but I’ve read their Quoran twice… And I was friends. They used to always invite me the Temple. I’ve hung out with Muslims. But I decided I didn’t want to join. I’m trying not be part– Even the Chan Buddhists, there’s a couple of sects of Zen Buddhism that have tried to claim me. And it’s like, “No, no, no, no, no. I’ll just go ahead and be independent.”

Nobody’s really helping me get to where I am and nobody’s network has really got what I need to go forward. I’m just better… being who I am and carving my path. It’s all coming together. My Tao is coming together. Creating my Nature. I’m creating my environment–my world.

Describe your student, employee attitudes and quality.

As a student and employee. As a subservient person.

I am so obedient. I am just digustingly obedient. I shouldn’t say it like that because it’s my success. If you hire me you get the best. You get the best worker. If I’m not the best worker I’d be shocked. I’m always in the top 10% or less. I mean I always want to be a good worker. My upbringing. That’s the one thing my parents taught me is how to be a great slave. I come from the Pennsylvania Dutch and they believe in the work ethic. “You work hard. Serve God.” To serve God. I mean, that’s how they drill it into you. You’re serving God by slaving. [LAUGHS] So I come from that. So I’m a great slave. And I work very very hard all day long and I don’t complain. And I worker harder– In fact, most people say, “Slow down. You’re making us look bad.” You know. So… And as astudent–

“Hello Buddy” [to cat] “Wanna come up here?”

As a student I also– I am a very very good student. Always at the top of the class. The teacher’s pet . When I was at UCLA I was hired by several of my teachers. My teachers hired me and I went out in commercials and music videos. I was such a good student they could tell I was a good worker. And… in one of my– in fact the reason I got on Cinesong, I was hired for Cinesong was I — Kevin Dole. Where are you Kevin Dole? I love you. You’re a great guy. I worked for you for a couple years. For a year anyway. One of my students, fellow students at UCLA had to go to a doctor appointment. She goes, “I’ve gotta work on a music video tomorrow for REO Speedwagon.” She goes, “If you’ll take my place on the video–I still want to take the paycheck but you’ll get the experience of working on a music video if you’ll work for free.” “Okay. I’ll do that.”

On that REO Speedwagon video, it was the first one they did. Can’t think of the name of it but I can picture it though. And in fact I even saw it on YouTube this year. But anyway, that music video. In fact, I think I looked up all of them I did last year. Buy anyway, the… I did so well– Ane one of the things I did, being a guy. Anyway, being a worker as opposed to a woman is that I kept sweeping and cleaning… and I kept asking them if the wanted coffee. And they ended up hiring me and working there for a year or so. And they told me later. They said that the reason they hired me was because I was just so unoffended to just go get a cup of coffee and do mundane things that evidently other people would go, “Tsk… Really? You want me to do that?” [LAUGHS] I was like, “Sure! You want a cup of coffee?” So that kind of enthusiasm got me that job and got me to make all kinds of commercials. And from there, we were working at Apogee. And Apogee saw me and they liked me and they said, “Hey. We’ll hire you too. We like you. You’re a good worker.” I was a Production Assistant on all kinds of movies and lie, “Spaceballs” “The Unholy”… all these movies and i was just working in the production. I was a Production Assistant. So I’m not even in the movie credits. I didn’t care. I was a student at UCLA. I was actually going to night school and doing these music videos… Like I said I met her at night school.

So.. but, by being a great employee–that actually changed my life.

Where are we? My cat’s right in the middle of my book. “Hi buddy.” [to cat] “I can’t see the page because you’re on my work.”

Here we go. Let me move it over a little bit. “Let’s share this book with me?”

Describe your leadership qualities and skills.

Ah. Now that’s very important. Now remember, most people are WOMEN – WORKERS. They’re employees. And an employee is not a leader. He’s a follower. So you’ve gotta remember 80% of our population is followers. Okay? But! Half of those people have to leaders to lead the other followers. So we’ve gotta train the followers to be leaders. Okay so…just letting you know you may not have the–you may not realize the whole picdture here.

Okay. Here we go.

Describe your romantic relationship qualities. Okay?

I don’t know what I have now. I mean I want to be romantic. I remember during the seventies or in the eighties if I went three weeks without sex it was like, “Wow! There’s something wrong with me. What’s wrong with me?” And then I remember when started to become more relationship oriented in the eighties, I thought to myself, “Wow! I haven’t been in a relationship for three months.” I remember those two things happening once. So I was in so many relationships and things. But I was in them for the wrong reason. I was in the relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.I wasn’t in the relationship because it was going to benefit my future, my career, of all these things. I wasn’t opportunistic and greedy as I should’ve. As a rseesult i had great sex, and love and whatever… but who cares? It’s all gone now. If I could do it over I would rather have chose more wisely. [laughs] Rather than– I’d arather go for quality than quantity. I didn’t get the quality.

So my relationship qualities were then were just– I was a stud. I mean, I could score really easy. And I’m not saying that to be macho or anything. It was just– It’s a shame. It was kind of a shame. It got too easy. And a lot of girls would like hit on meand say, “You wanna have sex?” And say, “Well okay.” [laughs] It was a different world back then. One night stands were a normal thing.

Okay. Where were we. Not for me. I still always at my most rambunctious I was still looking for a relationship. Always. I can definitely say that. I was always looking for a relationship.


Describe your family attitudes.

Ah. I had incredible family attitudes for a while. I thought I came from a better family than I did. When I tried to create my family. I was trying to create a little entertainment complex. You know. So, I was totally wrong. I was totally screwed up. My family concepts. Hopefully yours are better.

Real quickly:

What are your insecurites?

What are your fears?

Explain your pride.

Do you make mistakes and why?

Do you trust other people most of the time?

How are you helping other people attain their goals?

And sum up your Nature.

And lastly, people in the homeless industry do not help people get out of it. They don’t help them with goals. Nobody helps people with goals. That’s the most important thing we have to do in the world. That’s what I’m trying to do is: I’m trying to help you have goals and attain them. That’s really really important.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_32 – Buddha Zhen Discusses TAO #18d of Political Corruption, Trump and Republicans

YouTube TRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 32:

Okay. I’m blasting along. I’ve got two more to do. ‘d’ and ‘e.’ #18d and #18e. I’m on page 32. And then 33.

Okay, the TAO OF TAOISM – USING THE DAO TE CHING TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE. Lao Tzu wrote the original. Buddha Zhen here. I wrote the — this weird variation of it, in which I use his quote and then we answer all these questions that integrate that wisdom into our life.

Here we go. #18d.

TAO #18d
When oaths and promises are required of workers,

government officials, and members: deceit and corruption are already out of control.

Oh my goodness! The first thing Trump did was a landmark. He was asking for people to kiss his ring and swear loyalty and things to him. And you see: deceipt and corruption were already out of control the moment he entered there. When he was trying to do that–it was already out of control. It’s not that we had to see it. That, that… WOW!

When oaths and promises are required of workers, government officials– (Remember, that’s what Trump did. He wanted oaths from government officials.) –and members: then deceit and corruption are are already out of control.

Wow. That’s beautiful Lao Tzu. 2,200 years ago, and he predicted what we are so stupid–we put in power. We put in power exactly what he said to never do.

Okay. Here we go.

What oaths and promises have you made or required of others?

One more time: What oaths and promises have you made or required of others?

Well I can tell you one oath. I have taken that many oaths, but I swore an oath. And I remember all my oaths. And I remember all my Freemason oaths. Any oath I’ve made is an important oath. Those are like, in threat of life and death. An oath is.

So anyway, one of the oaths I made was that I would never ever support the Communist Party. And I had to swear that oath in order to become a Union Carpenter back in 1972 I think. So back in 1972 when I was sworn into the Carpenter’s Brotherhood. It’s the Union. It’s called actually, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Joiners are the people who work in wood shops. So, when I joined them I had to swear not only an oath of allegiance–some sort of whatever it was… But the only thing that stood out to me was: I had to swear that I would never support or be a Communist.

Now I don’t like to make promises that I’m not gonna guarantee, but I just kind of went along with it. Because I’d been conditioned through the Cold War and everything to not be a Communist. But I still had to think twice. But what if I decide it’s a good idea or something. I swore an oath that I would never do that.

So that’s why it really kind of irritates me to see that we’ve elected a Communist into–as our President. Our President is doing everything that I was told that a Communist would do if they took power… or could influence our government. We never actually thought of a Communist actually running our country. We always thought that a Communist would just merely kind of influence our government. Influence it to be corrupt. Influence it to be just evil, deceitful, or do something bad.

So that’s what I was raised to think Communism was. It was somethiyng that was trying to influence our government to not work properly. Wow! And then we elect somebody in there whose–he’s the most incredible Communist we’ve ever had in our government. He has disrupted our government and caused it to not function and fired more people and created more vacancies in our government than Communists have ever ever been able to do since I was born. As far as I know. I’ve never seen anything close to this. He has caused more damage that the CoImmunists would have applauded than any other human that I know of.

Anyway, that’s kind of interesting.

So, where was I? I got distracted because that was so poignant.

When do you make agreements you do not intend to keep?

When do you make agreements you do not intend to keep?

When do you require agreements from others you don’t expect them to keep?

When do you reequire agreements from others that you don’t expect them to keep?

Now Bear, you’re making it hard to read here. You’re gonna get your butt in the picture. [laughs] Okay.

How do you know you can trust someone?

How do you know that you can trust someone?

Well somebody wanted my attention. Hello Bear. Hello my little buddy. If I raise you up, can I get your head in the camera a little? Okay. Hello my buddhy. Purring away here.

He needed my attention. I guess he thought I was giving you too much attention. Hello my little friend. Okay. I’ve gotta kind of scoot him aside so I can read the next one.

When you say, “I promise,” is that different from when you say, “I will.”

Or, “I will do that.” “I promise I will do that.” So, how are those different to you?

When is it okay to break a promise?

When is it okay to break a promise?

Remember, marriage is supposed to be a promise. People break marriages.

When is it okay to break a marriage promise?

Hairs all over the place. [blowing noises]

Do you obey your father?

Do you obey your father?

Bear, do you obey me?

I have to create– Remember I was talking about rules? And ways to influence him, so that he’ll… avoid danger or… I have to sometimes NOT let him do what he wants to do or he’ll get run over. So I have to stop him from doing things. Was that a cat fart?

Okay. Here we go.

Do you obey your mother?

Okay. There’s two questions there. Do you obey your father? Do you obey your mother?

Okay. So answer both those and compare those answers. Now there’s another question to ask: Why is there a difference if there is one?

Do you obey your big brother?

Now we’re getting into Confucius. Now according to Confucius you should obey you should obey your mother as you’d obey your father. And you’d obey your big brother as you’d obey your mother. See. It’s a kind of chain of command.

But your brother, your older brother actually represents your father.

And your mother’s job is to put your older brother in his position. So she wants to train him to be the father that you’ll always have. So if ‘gone, there’s still a father in the family and the kids will still look at him–up to him as the father. When there’s no longer a father, the older brother takes over.

Okay? That’s the Confucian system.

Do you obey your employer or your boss? (That’s a good question.)

Do you obey your employere or your boss?

If your boss says, “Go do that.” Do you obey him? If he says, Idon’t know, “Go get me a cup of coffee.” Whatever’s within your job description. But if he says something, do you obey him? If he tells you what to do– Do you obey him?

Do you obey your spouse?

So if you’re a husband or a wife– Do you obey your parnter?

Do you obey ourself?

When you make rules for yourself, or tell yourself you’re going to do something– Do you obey yourself?

Hello there Bear. My little love bug. Just down here in my lap. [whispers to cat] Kind of putting his head up where you can see it. Ears at least. Yeah. Hello my little buddy. Yeah, he really just wants my attention right now. I think everyday we spend some time and I cuddle with him and hug him and play with him a little bit. I think maybe we didn’t do as much today as we usually do.

So he just came in and demanded his love. I’ve gotta appreciate that.

So he’s right here in the middle of my notebook. He’s got those binder rings here. He sleeps in uncomfortable positions. Bear. Let me see if I can get you more comfortable.

See you guys. Daily Taoist out of here. This was, oh, this was the one that is very poignant. This represents thte failing in our government and our America. America. America needs to learn #18d by Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu said,
When oaths and promises are required of workers, government officials, and members:
deceit and corruption are already out of control.

Daily Taoist here.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_29 – Buddha Zhen Explains TAO #18a Using his Act Zen Concepts to Live-Act Naturally

YouTube TRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 29

Hey! Buddha Zhen, the Daily Taoist popping in here real quick and then I’m gonna run away.

This is #17 on page 28 of the TAO OF TAOISM written by me, based upon the Dao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. This is #18a. This one had so much to unpack in it–it’s #18. That I broke it down all the way to #18e. I had to break it into five sections to make sense of this thing.

So here’s what I say. This is #18 of– There’s 80 of them actually, and this book has forty of them. Then I was going to break it into two books, because this is a huge book.

Okay. #18a by Lao Tzu; paraphrased by THE Daily Taoist, Buddha Zhen here.

Tao #18a
To deviate from Nature–
(Anytime I say, “Nature,” I mean “The Tao.”)
To deviate from Nature is to create new rules that are unbalanced with Nature.
Any rules or activities not in balance with Nature are evil and destructive.

Well, like dumping your chemicals into a river. We don’t want those chemicals over here so we’re saying dump them over there. Okay?

So that rule was not balanced with Nature. That unbalanced rule or activity that’s not in balance with Nature is like I said, evil and destructive.

There’s a real simple example.

Let me read it one more time and then I’ve only got two things to read here. This’ll be kind of a quick one.

What are your rules, ethics, morals, codes of conduct, or religious principles?

And then look. I gave you like five lines to answer that question. So that’s why this is important. That’s why I–Just unpacking that.

What are your rules? List them out. Seriously. Who are you? And what are your rules or ethics. Yeah, your morals. Your codes of conduct. Think about those.

Codes of Conduct of YOU

Codes of conduct. You’re probably not aware of it. But if you had to train someone to be you– Say, “Hey. Listen. I’m going to disappear for a month. I’m going to be gone for a month and I want you to take my place.”

And the guy goes, “Okay. What do I do?”

Well, you’ve gotta tell him. How hes’ gonna eat. When he’s gonna go places. And how he’s gonna talk to people. Who he likes. Who he doesn’t like.

Okay? So somebody’s gotta impersonate you. If you had to train someone to impersonate you– What would you tell him are you tell him are your rules, your ethics, your morals because maybe this person’s a liar, and doesn’t care, or he cusses… And you go, “No. No. No. I have a rule. I don’t cuss. Oh no. I don’t do that. I don’t touch people like that–” Or… I don’t… You’ve got rules and ethics. So anyway: what are your rules and ethics? You are obviously different from somebody else. And this how you define your separation from them. Okay?

So. You’ve got to think– If you’re driving forget it. Well, maybe think of it a little bit. I’ve got a big space here, so I’m gonna make this a short podcast. So you can just kind of concentrate on ur that. Think of all your rules and ethics, morals…

I have another book that I wrote for my daughter fifteen years ago when she thought she was gonna be an actress. It’s called, ACT ZEN. And it’s basically– Actually it’s based on my movie career. My training at UCLA being a director and how to create a character. And so what I did was I took that — and then I took everything I learned about Zen Buddhism and thought, “How do you take a person and shape their character with Zen Buddhism… And then as an actor make them fluid in that so they can create other people but then they can go back to being the person they wanted to be originally–that they’d already pre-designed. So that’s what ACT ZEN is.

I designed this so first of all you decide WHO your are. And then you can be somebody else. And then you can go back to being who your. I call that ACT ZEN, or ACTING ZEN, or Act Zen to Act Naturally. All these little slogans I made for it.

But it really works. Well, it’s just good for everybody. Because we’re always acting. When you go into a business and you’re going to be a salesman you have certain roles– An acting role that you have to do. And so you should know what that is. And then when you go home, you’re not gonna try to sell your kids and everybody like you do every day. You have a whole different attitude than how you play with your kids and how you treat somebody out on the parking lot trying to sell them a acar.

So you can Act Zen: is to be able to define who you are in your different roles.

So how are any of these rules that you are making are out of balance with Nature?

Some of these rules you’re living by, and codes of conduct might out of Nature… Out of contact… Maybe getting up in the morning. [laughs] That’s– Your nature says, “No. I’ve gotta sleep in until 10:00 every day. I just can’t go to sleep before two in the morning…” So maybe that’s your Nature.

I hope I’m not getting you in trouble. I don’t want to give you any bad ideas.


What is your Nature?

Whatever it is. Just say what it is. If that’s what it is– I accept it.

So then I have “My Suggestions.” and that’s it.

So let me read what Lao Tzu said. I should always try to remember to go back and wrap up at the end.

#18a in my book, the TAO OF TAOISM:

To deviate from Nature, or The Tao, is to create new rules that are unbalanced with the Tao. Or Mother Nature. Any rules or activities not in balance with The Tao, (Nature), are evil and destructive.

Tell me if I’m wrong. To be honest with you I’m looking at them from different perspectives. [laughs]

Alright. The Daily Taoist here, Buddha Zhen here. I’m thinking about this too. So let me think about it. You think about it…

See you tomorrow.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_25 – Buddha Zhen Explains TAO #14 Tao of Taoism – Using the Dao Te Ching for Actors

YouTube Video TRANSCRIPT Daily Taoist 25

Hey. Buddha Zhen back. I’m enjoying being THE DAILY TAOIST. This is totally cool. I’m pumping out a whole bunch of these– Here’s my author copy of this book, TAO OF TAOISM – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life. Written by Lao Tzu. I just took a bunch of translations of and said, “I don’t this guy’s got it… And I don’t think this guy’s got it…” Because I don’t translate Chinese. So I had to like take the translations, and what I knew of it, and from being part of the religion and the lifestyle for years and years. And try to see what makes sense. What was he really saying that I would say, “Harmonizes with the truth.” You know, the reality of using it in life.

I’ve been using Taoism since the eighties. Since… yeah… So if anybody could tell you what it is– [laughs] It should be somebody who’s been using it on a daily basis and teaching it to people. Inserting it in people and seeing how it affects them. Same with Buddhism. I called myself a “BUDDHIST SCIENTIST” for about twenty years. Because I considered myself, and all my students, and everything, were–I’m being facetious: I thought “lab rats” you know. But they’re– But they’re my test subjects in a way. They’re my children. And I’m constantly seeing the effects. I’m concerned. I don’t just throw stuff at them. “Hey, here’s some old wisdom.” SPLAT. “Here’s some more wisdom.” SPLAT. No, I like, look at it. Flavor it, and shape it. And say, “Okay. Can you understand that?” Then I come back, “How’s it working?” “How’d you like it?” “How’d it come out?” So anyway, I’ve kind of been able to see the effects of the Taoism and the Buddhism over the years. Confucianism too.

Actually no, the Confucianism– I wish. I didn’t start into that until about 2011. Sorry. Well I couldn’t tell you the affects of that. Because if I did I could’ve saved all kinds of marriages and businesses because that’s what that’s for. Marriages, businesses and politics. That’s what Confucius is for. Teaching. Oh that’s what I heard. I thought somebody was at my front door. Light’s falling down. And uh– I hope it’s going to stay there.

“Is that going to stay there Bear?” If that thing goes it’s gonna really pop. It’s a 150W bulb. Let me go and move it real quick.

Anyway, Daily Taoist here. No– I’m just– “Hang on…”

“Bear. Why did that move?” It wants to keep moving. Alright.

Okay. So I’m back. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll edit that out. As much as I’m an iPhoneographer. I’m getting all the software in my phone and everything–I don’t know how to use it. I don’t know what I’m doing yet. But I’m figuring it out. You can actually go to my other channel: Richard Del Connor at YouTube: You can see music videos and things that I’m making. So I’m learning how to use a gimbal. I’m learning how to use my iPhone. I’m learning how to use LumaFusion. I’m shooting in Filmic Pro. And then I’m learning how to actually then– well, just getting it off my phone and then getting it onto a hard drive. And then backing it up is a lot of work. I’m just figuring this out. So anyway.

Here we go. The Daily Taoist.

And we’re on NUMBER 14. What’d I do? I took two minutes and forty-two seconds of your time just getting started here? Sorry about that.

Oh! By the way. Never say you’re sorry unless you’re gonna do it again.

That’s one my slogans. And here I am–an anti-slogan person. But that’s actually something that I want everybody to realize. Look! It’s 100% true.

Everybody I tell people they always come back and go, “Yeah, you’re right about that.”

Never say you’re “sorry” unless you’re gonna do it again.

And if anybody ever says they’re “sorry” you can expect them to do it again.

So don’t say you’re “sorry.”

You can say you won’t do it again though. That’s different.

Here we go. NUMBER 14.

Watch it. Check– Watch yourself. When you say you’re sorry for something. It’ll be something you’ve done before. You’ll catch yourself. I said, “I’m sorry,” for that. And I did it to that guy. You know he’s stubbing his toe or–whatever it is. But yeah. Watch.

So don’t say you’re “sorry” and you’ll stop making mistakes.

The Daily Taoist here. Confusing you. [laughs] The truth is cool.

NUMBER 14. This is written by Lao Tzu supposed– well, originally. And then translated by other people and then me–synthesized into this book to make it more useful. But Lao Tzu’s book, Dao Te Ching is being presented to you in my Tao of Taoism by me, Buddha Zhen. I’m actually Richard Del Connor. If you want to look at my license.

Here we go, NUMBER 14:
Nature (and this is with a capital ‘N’ despite it being at the first–start of the paragraph).
Nature cannot be measured or controlled.
Yet, the operations of Nature (with a capital ‘N’) can be understood.

I’m using ‘Nature’ for ‘The Tao.’ Because there’s different versions. You could just call it, “The Tao.” I’m going to call “Nature” and “Tao” are the same thing. Okay?

Understanding the forces in motion creates an awareness of Nature. (The Tao).

This awareness comes from an inner harmony of each person that mirrors the outer workings of Nature.

Oops. Let’s read it. I’ve got to read it again.

So only by living naturally can one understand or be aware of Nature.

This is where people get all messed up. This is one of the ones that confuses people. They think they all the sudden have to become a plant to understand what a plant is. And you gotta act like a monkey to be a– to understand what a monkey is.

I’m not saying that but– He’s– Let’s just break it down real fast.

I really want to take the mumbo jumbo and the mystical godliness out of this. Cuz this is not a godly thing. Remember, this is science. This is science. It’s not God.

Here we go: Nature cannot be measured or controlled.

The Earth, its rotation, the seasons, the up and down things… The clouds. The moving. Whatever. Or gravity– Cannot be measure or controlled. That’s kind of what it’s saying. Everything. The reality– Okay? Nature… I’ve got that.

It’s beyond our control. We’re popped in here. Splat. We exist in it. I was comparing it to a big bowl of soup we’re in… we’re in the middle of you know. Moving around in this bowl of soup. We’re here for a little while and then we’re gone. The soup’s still here. Still going on. But we just come and go… within the soup. (Nature.)

Okay. So: Yet the = operations of Nature can be understood. So in other words they can’t really be measured or controlled because they change all the time. Even measuring what the temperature is on a certain day is going to be different that the next day. You can measure it, but you can’t really predict that it’s going to be the same. It’s always in flux, or– So anyway, that’s what we’re trying to say.

But you can understand it. You can understand it’s colder in the winter. You may not know exactly what temperature it is. You can’t measure it and predict in the next year in the same day it’s going to be the same temperature. And the same clouds… But you can understand in a broader sense. That’s what he’s trying to say.

Yet the operations of Nature– (The seasons and such. The day versus night.) –Can be understood.

Okay. So there’s our first two. The simple pragmatic science. Don’t get caught up in mystical mumbo jumbo again.

I don’t mind mystical mumbo jumbo. This isn’t the place for it. It’s not intended.


Understanding the forces in motion creates an awareness of Nature.

Forces in motion: the seasons, the winds… The wind that comes before the storm. The kind of clouds that come to bring rain. The clouds that come that don’t bring rain. Understanding all these forces in motion. If you understand–you have an awareness of Nature. See? So you can start to understand–to recognize things. An awareness of Nature.

That’s good. So we’ve got the first three sentences. To be a scientist you’ve just gotta study things. Go take a meteorology class. One of my regrets: I never got one.

Here we go.

This awareness comes from an inner harmony of each person that mirrors the outer workings of Nature.

Aaaaaahhh. This is where it gets more complicated. And this is where people– If you’re really, like President Trump. He’s very out of harmony with Nature. I mean anybody I think–even his fans and supporters agree with that. This guy’s totally out of balance. [laughs] He’s miserable. He’s unhappy. He looks unhappy. He gives off negative energy. Hes an ugly creature. Anyway. Poor guy. You know, he’s just all messed up. His thinking’s wrong. He’s never gonna be happy because he’s working in a system that can never exist. His view of reality doesn’t exist. So he’s just all day long fighting to try to trick everybody to what reality is. And he’s not in any reality at all. He’s just living in this made up world in his brain that can never exist. Because even if it does it’s a crime and he’s gonna get in trouble. He’s gotta– Even if it exists he’s gotta get the money and run. [laughs] He never wants to be anywhere where he’s gonna be stuck. That’s his dilemma. He can never hold still. And if he does hold still he’s gonna get handcuffed. So he’s gotta keep moving. So that’s out of harmony with Nature.

Sorry to use him as a radical example. He just came to mind first. But he doesn’t understand the forces of Nature. He has no concern about Nature. He lives in his big city and…

Here we go.

Okay. So why’d I even point him out? Because his lack of awareness– he’s the opposite of what the next sentence is.

This awareness comes from an inner harmony.

Now, his inner harmony–

Of each person that mirrors the outer workings of Nature.

He does not mirror the outer workings of Nature. That’s why he makes people so unhappy. Nobody would want him for their babysitter. Nobody’d want him for their mother. He does not mirror Nature. If he does he mirrors the kind of Nature you shouldn’t be around like a crocodile. He’s just gonna eat you and drag you underwater. Doesn’t care. So anyway, maybe he does kind of mirror a part of Nature. Wow. Actually. Maybe Lao Tzu’s more right than I think. He’s saying even when you’r wrong–

This awareness–

Well he’s trying to talk in the positive. He’s saying that if you have an understanding that comes from your inner understanding which is in balance. Okay.

So what happens when you have an inner harmony that’s not in balance. That means you can never understand Nature. Or appreciate Nature. Never appreciate the other people in Nature. Keeps you completely separate from everyone. Because you have no balance that anyone should actually be attracted to. Which is the other problem. The people that are attracted to that imbalance are the people with the same imbalance. Kind of creates a– Yeah.

Okay. Now. So, last sentence: Only by living naturally. In other words, ‘naturally’ means in harmony with Nature. Not opposed to it. But comfortably living in harmony with it. Where there’s peace, accord and contentment… Can you understand or be aware of Nature.

See. That’s why he can’t be aware of it. He doesn’t have inner harmony. Doesn’t have that balance. He can’t sense it. He can’t feel it. It’s beyond him.

So I’m using him as an example. Hopefully he doesn’t represent you. Um, my family is…There’s all kinds of people like this. Let’s put it that way… that are not in balance with Nature.

And the ones that are in balance with Nature. That’s a step forward. But that doesn’t make you a complete person. That just means that you– at least physically can be a successful animal. So that’s all this is doing… is helping you to be a better animal…

Okay? That was NUMBER 14. What? I spent eleven minutes just explaining it? [laughs] I got carried away. That’s why I’m doing this. So I can get a lot of this out of my system. When I do the audiobook version of this I hope I won’t talk so much. The book’s gonna be too long for anyone to read or listen to.

Here we go.

But that’s why I like this as The Daily Taoist though. I was thinking of trying to keep this at five or six minutes. I’m already at eleven, thirty-three.

Let me just blast down. Let’s see how far we get. Maybe it’s gonna be a 20-minute thing today.

Ready? You on board? Because I’m gonna need a few minutes to unpack all this. There’s a bunch of questions here.

Explain your–

In fact, I’ll go fast. Because these are so vague and I’m not gonna elaborate on them. If I do it’ll take a long time. So let’s just see how fast I can go. It’s twelve minutes now. See how fast I can go.

Explain your understanding of Nature.

Explain your understanding of Nature.

Right now. I’ve changed. I was a Native American for some years. Following those traditions. I was a pipe carrier. Doing smudge… Anyway.

How do the forces of Nature influence your life?

They used to influence mine alot.

And again. I’m in a different situation now.

You. How do the forces of Nature influence your life?

Okay? Explain your inner harmony?

Remember that inner harmony we were talking. Here it says, “The awareness comes from an inner harmony of each person that mirrors the outer workings of Nature.”

So let’s look at your inner harmony and see how thatnat’s somehow a mirror of Nature.

So in other words if you live in a very cold igloo then you’re gonna mirror– your harmony of Nature is gonna be a little different than some guy one who lives next to the beach. So you’ll have a different inner harmony maybe. I don’t know. That would be intersting to find out. I’d like to talk to both you guys: Igloo and the guy on the beach. Compare your perspectives of reality.

Here we go.

Oh. How does your inner harmony mirror the forces of Nature?

See? Once agin. The igloo versus the beach. How are you mirroring Nature?

Once again: How does your inner harmony mirror the forces of Nature?

Explain how your life is natural.

So somebody in Arizona might have a different natural life than somebody in Washington state.

Explain how your life is natural.

Explain why your life is natural.

You know obviously like some people we know in presidential positions you can be very unnatural. So explain why you decided to make your life natural. How it came to be natural. Maybe somebody just trained you that way.

Explain how your life is mechanical or unnatural.

Ooh. Mechanical and unnatural. So you’re a machine. You’re doing something that’s contrary to Nature. But it’s your job. Maybe youre chopping down trees. That would be kind of unnatural.

Okay… What do you do out of obligation or necessity rather than by desire.

That’s probably 50% of the people on the planet there.

They just have a job. There just happy to get the paycheck. They don’t have any interst in that business or product line.

So what do you do out of obligation or necessity rather than by desire.

Own up to it. If you can’t be honest with yourself–You’ll never be smart.

Here we go: What do you do to satisfy others that does not satisfy you?

Ooh. That’s a good question. I’m quite the giver. But– Anyway.

One more time: What do you do to satisfy others that does not satisfy you?

What expectations of others are you currently satisfying?

Hey. Each of us is going to have a very different answer to that one.

What expectations of others are you currently satisfying?

How much time do you spend each day doing nothing?

Once again: How much time do you spend each day doing nothing?

If you had all the money you could need or spend–what would you do with your time?

If you had all the money you could need or spend–what would you do with your time?

Why aren’t you doing these things now anyway?

When I was homeless that was a question I was asking all the time.

Sorry to interject. See! I said I’m sorry. I’m gonna do it again. [laughs]

Why arent you doing these things now anyway?

Do you believe that to not work or to not have a job is wrong?

Do you beleive that to not work or to not have a job is wrong?

Do you believe that you should have children and a family?

Do you believe that you should have a children– have a children–a bunch– anyway. Have children and a family?

How many kids do you intend to have? And why?

How many kids do you intend to have? And why?

When you don’t have to go to work– there’s actually a typo here. Sheesh. Second one I’ve found. What time do you wake up and go to bed?

When you don’t have time to go to work–what time do you wake up and go to bed?

Interesting question.

How is this different than when you are working?

Okay. So when you don’t have a job. That’s why I didn’t– That’s why that was one of things I did.

So when you don’t have job–what time do you wake up and go to bed. Okay. So that changes your schedule. You don’t have to get up at any time.

How is this different than when you’re working?

So does it change? When you’re working in your normal occupation.

Okay. So there’s NUMBER 14.

And in 17-minutes.

Daily Taoist out of here.

Daily Taoist 1_22 – Buddha Zhen Illuminates TAO #11 the Yin / Yang of Nature from Tao of Taoism book

YouTube Transcript for VIDEO: Daily Taoist 22:

Alright. When I started that last one I said I’d do these two. Let’s finish this one. I don’t know if I’ll do any more today. If the background changes, that means it’s another day. Let’s see. Actually, this thing doesn’t move behind me.

The incorporation of opposites creates usable efforts.
Walls have doors. Containers are hollow.
And success requires expense.

This is cool. That yin and yang. Giving and taking. And things flowing and spinning.

Here we go.

Again. NUMBER 11: of the Tao Te Ching.

The incorporation of opposites.

Incorporating. That means utilizing them.

Creates usable efforts.

Magnetism. Chi.

Walls have doors. Containers are hollow.

Ying and yang again.

And success requires expense.

Always at least in time and effort. Which has a value in money.

Okay. So here we go. Ahhhhh. I’m probably not gonna talk much. There’s too much to talk about. And like I said, I’d have to hit this with different angles depending on which business of mine we’re talking about.

Here we go.

What opposites within you are utilized for your efficiency?

What opposites within you are utilized for your efficiency?

What opposites of others are utilized for your work?

What opposites of others are utilized for your work?

I don’t know if you got that. What opposites of others. Other people have opposites too, remember. They have a yin and a yang. Happy and a sad.

And so sometimes if you can play one, offer a carrot to make the other one–you can get them of course to move. With a carrot. Anyway.

What persons that are opposite of you do you harmonize with?

That are opposite of you. Like, way different, but you harmonize with them. And why? I’m not saying you’re going to get the right answer but give it a try.

How are opposites used in your career?

How are opposites used in your career?

I’m thinking of a bunch of answers. I don’t know if I want to misguide you. You might be inspired to come up with something interesting. So, I’ll try to say as little as possible.

How do you treat persons that you don’t like?

How do you treat persons that you don’t like?

How do you control those aspects of yourself that slow you down?

How do you control those aspects of yourself that slow you down?

How do you utilize the night as opposed to the daytime?

How do you use the night time as opposed to the daytime?

How do you utilize yin yang energies in your Tai Chi Chuan practice?

That’s kind of cool. That’s a lot of fun.

How do you utilize yin yang energies in your Tai Chi Chuan practice?

Well, you wouldn’t know that but a lot of it’s yin and yang. As I was explaining in yesterday’s class… it was today’s class. It was this morning. I was explaining how this is the only Kung Fu I know that you can use with breathing. We do the whole thing, “Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.” See. So they’re kind of yin and yang see. “Inhale–” That’s a yin and then yang. Boom. Exhale you know.

These are positive / negatives in the Tai Chi form.

Here we go.

How can opposites be more useful in your career?

How can opposites be more useful in your career?

How can opposites be more useful in your homelife?

These are cool questions.

How can opposites be more useful in your homelife?

They could also be turning light switches on and off couldn’t they?

How can opposites be more useful in your lovelife?

How can opposites be more useful in your lovelife?

How can your emotions be better controlled by reversing them?

That’s not a good one for me. [laughs] Well, actually it shouldn’t make that much difference. I try to keep my polarity at zero. So you reverse them it doesn’t make that big a difference. Sorry. I wasn’t supposed to talk was I?

Here we go. So… The question was, How can your emotions be better controlled by reversing them?

How easily can you change your emotions?

How easily can you change your emotions?

How quickly can you stop being mad?

How quickly can you stop being mad?

How quickly can you stop being sad?

I will say something there.

Back in the eighties, because I’ve been thinking about this the last few days because I lost my best friend on Friday. Really sad. I shed some tears. But I didn’t sob. Kind of realizing today, my mourning period’s still not really over…. Lost a good, good friend. But anyway, but there still is something. I’m sensitized. The um… When I was in the eighties I had a lot of emotional breakups. I remember, but anyway, I can’t tell a lot of the details. I had a lot of girlfriends. Lots of breakups. Lots of emotions. Lots of relationships. Lots of falling in love. Lots of falling out of love. And somewhere in that mix: And I can’t– I have no specific memories– I remember being sad a couple times. In my life. Actually maybe I went back even farther when I was a teenager, But anyway, I can remember at some point, a couple points–maybe two, three at the most: when I was sobbing so much that i could tell the crying was making the crying more powerful. The sadder I got… the sadder I got.

It was like wohhh… In fact I remember in the eighties. in the mid eighties I developed a hypothesis when i was in UCLA. It had something to do with ions in the universe. It’s like a ‘like’ attracts ‘like.’ In other words, if you get that negative energy going–they’re just there, and they cling to you. And make you feel like you’re weighted down. And they’re sticking to you. Other people might say they were ghosts and spirits or whatever. But the point is that it attracts more. It doesn’t make you feel better. In other words, you feel like you want to get that sadness out of you–but you start to realize, “Hey. It’s starting to generate itself and I can’t control it. What the heck’s going on here?” You don’t want to do it. It’s pointless to do something that’s self-destructive. And that’s what it is. It’s like a feedback loop.

Sorry. Told you I wasn’t gonna but I thought that was kind of interesting because I was noticing that: during all this sadness that I have felt, I didn’t get close to that desperate loss. I mean close. But I did get to that point where I could’ve gone further at least once. I got really sad. It hit me. I just let it hit me. I thought, “okay, I’m fortunately alone” [laughs] So I allowed myself to be sad for a minute, and let it go. That was it. The worst one. The worst one. I let it happen. But I didn’t just dwell on it go, “Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh.” I’d just kind of agree with it. Just let it happen. It was kind of like a burp. I didn’t want to keep like burping. I just let it out.

Here we go. I wasn’t gonna talk. Remember?

How easily can you change your emotions?

How quickly can you stop being sad?

That was the question: How quickly can you stop being sad?

How much time of each day are you having– and in capital letters: FUN? F-U-N. Fun.

How much time of each day are you having fun?

Look at the smile on my face. I’m having fun right now. Yep. This is fun to me.

Last question: What inhibits your having fun?

For me it’s been a house. Not having an iphone. Not having a computer. Not having a place for Bear.

That’s what’s been inhibiting me. I’m having fun now.

I always have fun, no matter what. If I could have more money I could even have more fun. Expand our fun-ness. Buy him some more food.


BOOKS by Buddha Z:



Buddha Kung Fu







https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen





Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital


OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z



Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications



Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records



Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis



Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON



Daily Taoist 1_17 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO #7 of Tao of Taoism based upon Dao Te Ching by Lao Tzu


Okay. Going on with my shiny head.

NUMBER 7: of the Tao Te Ching. According to me, Buddha Zhen.

As one argument begins, another is ended.
Eventually, all things started will end.
It is the cycle of beginnings and conclusions that should be viewed from as far away as possible;
rather than be caught in the middle, or on either side, where the viewpoint is limited.

Okay. There’s a lot to unpack in that one. Okay? So. Remember he was actually–Lao Tzu was a politician. He had something to do with the managerial parts of the government. I don’t actually know much about it. Like I said, I’m not a Lao Tzu expert. I just happened to get his book and go, “Ooooh.” [laughs]

I liked his stuff. Thank you, Lao Tzu. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Okay. So let’s see. Here we go NUMBER 7:

First sentence. As one argument begins, another is ended.

Okay. I’m thinking of several things, but you may think of something I don’t so I don’t want to hamper your thoughts.

So here: Next one. Eventually, all things started will end.

Okay. Now that sounds simplistic but put it in perspective. Because we just talked about something starting and ending. An argument… An argument. By saying eventually all things started will end: an argument will end. You might die, and that might be the end of the argument. [laughs] Anyway…

It is the cycle of beginnings and conclusions that should be viewed.

How long does that take? That’s got new thoughts coming into my mind.

So in other words, it is the cycle of beginnings and conclusions. The startings and endings of all these arguments — that should be viewed from as far away as possible– not in the middle or not on either side to be able to see them all. So it’s gotta be far away.

There’s that mosquito hawk.

“Bear. Snack.” He can hear it I think. Let’s see… This is a big one. I’m distracted. I’m gonna have to get that bug so I’m not distracted.

Okay. So here we go. So in other words, if you really want to see the big picture…

Here we go. Do you argue with your parents? Explain.

Do you argue with your loved ones? Explain.

It’s coming over here. [mosquito hawk] I’m gonna smack it with my book. Sorry. ‘SMACK.’


BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu




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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


Daily Taoist 1_16 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO #6 PART 2 of Tao of Taoism self-help inspired by Lao Tzu

Buddha Zhen starts over on TAO #6 after killing a mosquito hawk with his Tao Te Ching notebook he reads from. In Daily Taoist 16 Buddha Z discusses the yin and yang of character: the positive and negative character. Can you face the truth and see how your negative and positive characters balance each other?

YouTube Transcript for video of the Daily Taoist 16.

Alright. I don’t know if I’ll post that last one if there was anything there.

Anyway, #6:

Distinguishing between opposites creates the illusory value of each one.

In other words, that’s creating prejudice.

Okay, so real quickly because we already covered this in case I post that last one.

How do you value or rate the strengths of your positive character?

Okay. The part of you that positive things presumably.

How do you value or rate the strengths of your negative character?

That part of you that is maybe self-destructive, angry, emotional, bitter… and something.

How does your positive character control your negative character?

Hopefully– I don’t know. Is the next question going to be the opposite? [laughs] Probably. So how does your positive character influence your negative character?

You know. If you’re emotional or anger. If you have anger issues. How do you– What is the positive– What is your way of dealing with it. Even if it’s not working well. What is it?

And how does your negative character control your positieve character? Maybe… that’s definitely the case with some people. I mean, somebody’s gonna be more one than the other. So is it gonna be negative or positive?

How can your positive character be better utilized?

Okay… not think about the negative. What about the positive? What can you do with that positive character? Just get more done. Or do something. What does it want to do? Okay.

How can your negative character be better utilized?

Now there you go. Now if you do have some sort of negative issues or qualities perhaps you can channel them into something. I don’t know. If you’re really angry you might get a job digging ditches and swinging a sledge hammer. [laughs] Might make you feel real good. I did that.

So anyway, how can your positive and negative characters be better balanced?

Okay. Now you can’t get anywhere until you admit the truth.

Mosquito hawk came in with Bear a minute ago. I got distracted. Pardon me. “Kill the spider.”

Okay so anyway that’s NUMBER 6. We made it. Two minutes! There’s a record.


BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


Daily Taoist 1_15 – Buddha Zhen Reads Tao #6 PART 1 of Tao of Taoism based upon Dao Te Ching

Buddha Zhen reads TAO #6 of the TAO OF TAOISM – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life.

This Tao is still dealing with opposites and good and bad and right and wrong and up and down and prejudice.

This Daily Taoist episode is interrupted by a mosquito hawk that enters with his cat, Bear. Buddha Z ends abruptly to deal with this pest.

The transcript of this short episode is included below.

YouTube TRANSCRIPT of the DAILY TAOIST 15 reading of TAO #6

Hello. I’m back, and… we’re on page 15 of 62 or something? Yeah, 62. Yeah. Let’s get another one of these out.

Just want to blaze ahead here for some reason. I guess I just wanna– I’m excited about getting some of this stuff out.

Here we go. NUMBER 6:

Oh, remember? We didn’t summarize on the end of that last one. Remember we were talking about, “Describe your overall balance of opposites and some things?” And so remember then, we go back to the original Lao Tzu and in particular, the first line,


Okay, so I said, “Don’t take it so literally. Try to look for the meaning: something more substantial in there.” Find a pearl of wisdom. Maybe Lao Tzu didn’t think of that. If you can find something even bigger and better… Like I said, “Like a mathematical equation.”

Here we go. NUMBER 6:

Distinguishing between opposites creates the illusory value of each one.

That’s what we’re doing in America right now. As we separate– As soon as we say one side is great, we’ve separated them more. You can’t– Anyway.

Distinguishing between opposites creates the illusory value of each one.

Or lack of value. Value isn’t always a plus. It can be a minus. So by distinguishing sometimes — it’s prejudice. You’re picking them out. You’re lowering the value. Trump purposely tries to do that. He actually tries to demean and devalue people. See. So at one time he might be pumping somebody up. But he spends as much time– If he does that he spends a lot of time cutting people down and trying to devalue them. So you shouldn’t do that. That’s wrong to pick those people out and make them special because that means your picking other people out and making them un-special.

So distinguishing between opposites creates the illusory value of each one.

Here we go.

How do you value or rate the strengths of your positive character?

Everybody thinks they have a positive character. Well they do. [laughs] Some of these positive characters seem very negative to me. But their negative character to me is a monster. So I guess it’s just a– You take the extremes and you move them on the scale. Right across the middle here is a content happy cow in the field. And down here is the angry badger type of thing. And then up here is the happy crane type of thing you know.

Well, the higher you get up here means the farther you fall when you get upset.

And the more you’re down here, then when something happens you get really excited, you see.

But if you just kind of stay here in the middle, “Oh, that was nice.” “Oh, that was kinda bad.” “Oh that was nice.”

But anyway, like I said, don’t try to separate the opposites. The more you do–the more, the more it goes wrong.

How do you value or rate the strengths of your negative character?

So that goes for you. How far off that middle do you go? How far are you willing to stretch the truth? How far do you go to keep the truth?

“Hello Bear.” He was outside. “Hello adventurer.”

Actually I kicked him outside. He hadn’t been out today so I like pushed him out the front door. So he’d go out there and do some–

Ooops! Somebody came in with you. Hold on. We’ve got some creature came in. I’ve got to deal with.


BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu




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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


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