Zen Buddhism

Who is Shaolin Kung Fu for?

A higher education student or professor is best suited for Shaolin Chi Mantis.  Colleges, universities and technology engineers thrive in Shaolin Chi Mantis.  All my schools are designed to make students smarter and heroes in their private Shaolin lifestyle.  The ability to help others and protect others should never be violent.  Give good advice to benefit others.

People of all intellectual abilities will benefit from Shaolin Chi Mantis.  Since 1984 only the people who did well in school were able to graduate the BEGINNER LEVEL of Shaolin Chi Mantis.  Most students would raise their grade point average from D to C; or C to B.  Those students who were B students (3.0 grade average) or higher seemed to go furthest and do the best.

If you are of higher education or enjoy learning–you will enjoy Shaolin Chi Mantis.  Smart people also enjoy our lack of sparring and injuries.  Not one broken bone in any school of mine since 1984.  So Shaolin Chi Mantis is a safe and healthy way to learn self-defense in a very artistic, intellectual and spiritual manner.  Seriously, Shaolin Kung Fu is my favorite martial art and favorite exercise.  I gave up many years of tennis to dedicate my life to Shaolin Kung Fu.  I was lucky to discover and organize the Shaolin Kung Fu I have inherited.  My gift and benefit was to create curriculums that were comprehensive and logical in the 21st Century.  In 2020 the ONLINE KWOON (school) was launched at www.ShaolinInteractive.com

I’ve begun filming the ONLINE CLASSES in my new Lancaster school.  I’m 66 years old and hope to film and graduate the SCM Beginner Level again by making 328 videos to complete all four semesters of the SCM Beginner Program.  I never allowed seniors over 50 to join Shaolin Chi Mantis.  I’m hoping to prove that because I’ve been already been doing Shaolin Kung Fu for 40 years — that this difficult martial art has extended my life and improved my health.

Can you keep up with this 66-year old senior?


Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

ShaolinZen.TV is New Website of Shaolin Communications

Lancaster, California.  Shaolin Digital.  Rich Connor is the “Singing Webmaster” of ShaolinDigital.com. Shaolin Digital is the web design and internet enterprise of Shaolin Communications.  Rich Connor has been launching the first ten WordPress websites of Shaolin Communications since 2018 on the computers at Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital in Compton, California.

As several of these ten WordPress websites are being completed, it seemed odd to shift focus to another website.  I searched through all my business plans and marketing plans I’ve designed since moving to Lancaster in October, 2019.


I’m finishing my “Vision Quest” which isn’t really an annual event, but I’m very acutely aware of it every year at this time.  It was in 1994 that I had my first “Hanblechia” at the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.

This year it kind of happened.  Living on the street the past six years made privacy extinct.  Comfort, peace, quiet, and serenity, didn’t even exist in the confines of my car as it rocked side to side when cars would drive by…

This year I allowed myself to enjoy my privacy.  Yeah, it’s been the Covid-19 lockdown, but I’ve got nowhere to go and no friends to visit.  With the death of Oscar Barrera I don’t even have any friends to talk to.

So my Vision Quest just kind of happened.  After a couple weeks, I realized I had several unresolved objectives… and then I realized I was searching for a MOTIVATION to accomplish my objectives.

I wasn’t planning to lay out my Vision Quest here, but I realized how my life has always been motivated by jobs, kids, wives, girlfriends, projects, assignments, classes… and that I was mostly a very obedient worker and excellent student.  Okay.  So what.  Who am I?

It took a couple more weeks to discover the answer.  I’m still wrestling with it.

One of the answers was, “LAUNCH ShaolinZen.TV.”


“MAKE THAT your primary website.”


I argued with God a little but he was not impressed with my ineptitude, laziness, or lack of resources to launch this website…

Finally.  I acquiesced.  (I’m not a pushover for any God…)

So I’ve been working on ShaolinZen.TV

Since Shaolin Zen Television is actually an offshoot of the Shaolin Zen CyberTemple at www.ShaolinZen.org — I decided to offer the Buddhism classes as podcasts and video series…  And stuff I haven’t decided on yet… Because my Vision Quest said to…

In fact, I went another level and decided to use the same LifterLMS Learning Management Software of our Shaolin Chi Mantis school and use it on ShaolinZen.TV also to make a better student atmosphere with QUIZZES and PROGRAMS and MEMBERSHIPS… ALL FOR FREE.

Yeah.  I hope I’ll sell some stuff.  But the classes and all the programs are going to always be FREE.  Seems more Buddhist that way!

So here’s ShaolinZen.TV

(Check it out!)

And here’s the other ten WordPress Websites I’m working on:

  1. BuddhaZ.com

  2. CoyoteRadio.TV

  3. FolkRockTroubadour.com

  4. PsychedelicRockOpera.com

  5. ScorpionResurrection.com

  6. ShaolinChineseYoga.com

  7. ShaolinDigital.com

  8. ShaolinFilm.com

  9. ShaolinInteractive.com

  10. ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com

Daily Taoist 1_06 – The Tao poem written by Buddha Zhen in Tao of Taoism book

Buddha Zhen still claims to be rehearsing for his ‘real’ audiobook production.

Buddha Zhen reads his 5-line poem:

The Dao

The Dao is Nature
The Dao is our Path in life.
The DAO is our Way of travelling our path.
The Dao is our Natural way that reality unfold or reacts.
The Dao is different for each of us because each of us have a different AWARENESS of it.

Buddha Z explains the Tao of Naure as, “Like being in a bowl of soup. Nature. Whatever’s happening in that bowl of soup is Nature. That’s the Nature. The Tao is Nature. So whatever is happening around you: That’s Nature.

“Your Tao. Not my Tao. Your Tao becomes that path through that soup. That’s your Tao. So you’ve got whatever’s around you…”

Interesting perspective: “Life is a bowl of soup.”

“When we get smarter people who are not as violent and ‘idiotic’–I’m not sure what the word is: We will hot have any more wars and a lot less suffering.

BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


The Dao is a short poem by Buddha Zhen that provides a comprehensive view of Taoism, The Tao, Nature, and Zen Buddhism.

Shaolin Zen Buddhism

Shaolin Zen Buddhism includes Shaolin Kung Fu.  This is a lifestyle of health and happiness.  Shaolin Kung Fu includes Zen Buddhism or it’s just a hollow shell of gymnastic exercises.

The Shaolin Buddhist Temple on Mt. Songshan is where Bodhidharma retired to create the original Zen Buddhism (“Chan” Buddhism in Chinese) and the original Shaolin Kung Fu based on his Indian martial arts training (Kalaripayattu).

The Shaolin Temple was burned down a couple times and the original books by Bodhidharma were destroyed. For better and worse this led to Shaolin Kung Fu evolving over the past 1,000 years.  This Shaolin Zen Temple founded by me, Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang “Spirit Wolf of Truth,” is based upon the Shaolin Kung Fu of 1,000 years ago after a couple major evolutions of style and influences.  The weapons I teach are the weapons of 1,000 years ago in China.  These Kung Fu “dances” that I call “forms” require great effort and a lot of time to master.  Hence my translation of “Kung Fu” to mean “Time & Energy.”  This dedication of the student to learn these complicated and difficult routines result in the mastery of the body and control of the mind.  

In order to create more than an athlete, all my schools and programs also include the Zen Buddhism of the Shaolin Temple and other philosophies of ancient China including Taoism, Confucianism and Strategy based upon the book Art Of War by Sun Tzu.  

This combination of Shaolin Buddhism and Shaolin Kung Fu has produced more famous and incredible heroes than any other martial arts system.  Without the Zen Buddhism an athlete is a superior thug.  Without the Taoism the athlete will not harmonize with reality in health and contentment.  Without the Confucianism the athlete will be a security guard or leg-breaker.  Without Strategy the athlete will not achieve noble goals or be selective in his ambitions.  By combining all these abilities and awareness I have proven that these ancient wisdoms make life better for the student and all the persons in that student’s environment.

Shaolin Chi Mantis SLOGAN:  “The ultimate self-defense is self-awareness.”

Most importantly, there is NO SPARRING in any of my schools.  My students have proven that these Shaolin Kung Fu moves work in real life self-defense situations.  One of my students called to tell me he was attacked in a parking garage by three criminals.  The first one attacked him with a knife.  The other two had to carry him out of the parking garage with a broken leg.  A couple of female students have also contacted me to tell me they had defended themselves against rape attacks.  In fact, my highest ranking students are women because of our NO SPARRING rule.  There has also never been a broken bone or even a dislocation in any of my classes since 1984 when I began teaching.

Want to be a hero?  Learn my traditional Shaolin Kung Fu, Taoist Tai Chi Chuan and Confucian Strategy.  I have taught in prisons and drug rehabilitation centers with better results than any other program I know of.  After teaching at the maximum security prison I checked back several years later and the prison informed me that instead of 80% of the inmates returning as normal, the recidivism rate was only 20% and one student had become a fugitive only because he would not inform on someone.  Several of those prison graduates visited me over the years to give me, “Thank you’s.”

Let’s make the world a better place by making you a better person.

The Zen Buddhist Podcast of Shaolin Zen will illuminate all the above topics.  Glad to have you here.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Shaolin Kung Fu LIFESTYLE

This Shaolin Chi Mantis BEGINNER PROGRAM is difficult, enlightening, and empowering.  It is an amazing program.  

Can you do it?

Are you capable of being as physically fit as a 67-year old senior?

Can you do Shaolin Kung Fu and swing a staff as good as an old silver-haired musician with a cat?

Let’s see if you can!

How fit are you?

Incidentally, I’ve trained professional boxers and they were always surprised how much they could learn and how these Kung Fu exercises helped them in the boxing ring.  I’ve rehabilitated chemo-therapy people who were shriveled to their bones… And these classes were the reason several people said they did not commit suicide during my years in Utah rehabilitation centers.  

Now I need this Shaolin Kung Fu to revitalize my life!

This program is my salvation.  I am going to complete this SCM Beginner Program and then MAINTAIN this super-natural health level with my NEW Shaolin Kung Fu LIFESTYLE I am doing for me.  Yes, we have to do it for ourselves.  

I believe I will be more flexible if I graduate SCM Beginner Program.

I believe I will have more stamina and vitality if I graduate the SCM Beginner Program.

I believe I will LIVE LONGER if I maintain my Shaolin Lifestyle.

I believe I will be LESS LIKELY to die of Covid-19 or any disease if I maintain my Shaolin Lifestyle.

I believe I will ENJOY LIFE MORE if I maintain my Shaolin Lifestyle.

I believe Shaolin Kung Fu is beneficial because I have data to show the results and effects of a Shaolin Lifestyle on hundreds of students.  

Because we don’t have sparring, I do not have the pains and joint pains and back pains and broken bone pains of my Karate colleagues who have retired in great suffering.  Unfortunately, their martial art made their senior lives painful and miserable.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

BuddhaZ.com is #1 of 10 New Websites

BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_4551photo-473x1024.png


https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen


Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


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