Web Design

ShaolinZen.TV is New Website of Shaolin Communications

Lancaster, California.  Shaolin Digital.  Rich Connor is the “Singing Webmaster” of ShaolinDigital.com. Shaolin Digital is the web design and internet enterprise of Shaolin Communications.  Rich Connor has been launching the first ten WordPress websites of Shaolin Communications since 2018 on the computers at Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital in Compton, California.

As several of these ten WordPress websites are being completed, it seemed odd to shift focus to another website.  I searched through all my business plans and marketing plans I’ve designed since moving to Lancaster in October, 2019.


I’m finishing my “Vision Quest” which isn’t really an annual event, but I’m very acutely aware of it every year at this time.  It was in 1994 that I had my first “Hanblechia” at the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.

This year it kind of happened.  Living on the street the past six years made privacy extinct.  Comfort, peace, quiet, and serenity, didn’t even exist in the confines of my car as it rocked side to side when cars would drive by…

This year I allowed myself to enjoy my privacy.  Yeah, it’s been the Covid-19 lockdown, but I’ve got nowhere to go and no friends to visit.  With the death of Oscar Barrera I don’t even have any friends to talk to.

So my Vision Quest just kind of happened.  After a couple weeks, I realized I had several unresolved objectives… and then I realized I was searching for a MOTIVATION to accomplish my objectives.

I wasn’t planning to lay out my Vision Quest here, but I realized how my life has always been motivated by jobs, kids, wives, girlfriends, projects, assignments, classes… and that I was mostly a very obedient worker and excellent student.  Okay.  So what.  Who am I?

It took a couple more weeks to discover the answer.  I’m still wrestling with it.

One of the answers was, “LAUNCH ShaolinZen.TV.”


“MAKE THAT your primary website.”


I argued with God a little but he was not impressed with my ineptitude, laziness, or lack of resources to launch this website…

Finally.  I acquiesced.  (I’m not a pushover for any God…)

So I’ve been working on ShaolinZen.TV

Since Shaolin Zen Television is actually an offshoot of the Shaolin Zen CyberTemple at www.ShaolinZen.org — I decided to offer the Buddhism classes as podcasts and video series…  And stuff I haven’t decided on yet… Because my Vision Quest said to…

In fact, I went another level and decided to use the same LifterLMS Learning Management Software of our Shaolin Chi Mantis school and use it on ShaolinZen.TV also to make a better student atmosphere with QUIZZES and PROGRAMS and MEMBERSHIPS… ALL FOR FREE.

Yeah.  I hope I’ll sell some stuff.  But the classes and all the programs are going to always be FREE.  Seems more Buddhist that way!

So here’s ShaolinZen.TV

(Check it out!)

And here’s the other ten WordPress Websites I’m working on:

  1. BuddhaZ.com

  2. CoyoteRadio.TV

  3. FolkRockTroubadour.com

  4. PsychedelicRockOpera.com

  5. ScorpionResurrection.com

  6. ShaolinChineseYoga.com

  7. ShaolinDigital.com

  8. ShaolinFilm.com

  9. ShaolinInteractive.com

  10. ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com

Rich Connor Singing Webmaster

This Blog Will Be My Homepage

Shaolin Buddha Onstage

I’m not performing this year in 2020. I’m going to focus on being Buddha Zhen instead of Buddha Z this year.  I’ve cancelled all my poetry performances and shows for 2020 also.  Although I was performing under the title, “Richard Del Connor – Philosopher Poet,” I always began and ended all performances with the traditional one-handed Luohan Bow used by Disciples of Bodhidharma of the original Shaolin Temple.  Even when performing as “Kung Fu Cowboy” at several night clubs and a couple videotaped performances at Kulak’s Woodshed in North Hollywood, this Luohan Bow, is the only way that I bow during public performances.  I think I was using this bow in 1989 at clubs like Club Lingerie in Hollywood when I performed solo.  Perhaps not during the band performances of the COYOTE GRAVEYARD band or the prior rock opera performances of Coyote In A Graveyard.  I’m not sure.  Unfortunately, there are no videos of those performances — that I know of.

Hmmm.  There are some videos of performances of the “THE COYOTE” band in Salt Lake City.  I look forward to unearthing those videos some day and transferring them to digital from 1/2″ VHS.  I need a VHS player.  Where do you find one of those?  Pawn shop?

Zen is intelligenceWhen I performed with my children for a half-dozen or more cable television performances, I think we all bowed that way.  Some of those are on 3/4″ video masters of broadcast quality.  Once again, I need to find a 3/4″ video player to transfer those.  

So that means this blog probably won’t have much activity in 2020. But I’d like to get it ready, perhaps even develop the beginnings of a fan base, and have some places ready for the albums and books I wanna release in 2021.

First Blog Homepage of Shaolin Communications

This is my first website using a BLOG as the HOMEPAGE.  I think it will be a good idea when I start performing as BUDDHA Z.  When that happens, this website will become my prime focus.

Currently, I’m focusing on being BUDDHA ZHEN and filming all the classes for the BEGINNER LEVEL of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu, Taoist Tai Chi Chuan, and Confucian Strategy ONLINE SCHOOL at www.ShaolinInteractive.com 

Webmaster Without a Computer

I’ve shot over 100 classes and will start offering them for sale… I hope this month of February 2020.  Both of my Apple Macintosh computers have died this year.  One was a 2003 ibook and the other a 2007 quad core…  

I’ve borrowed this PC computer which cannot edit my videos or… but I can do a few things…

Lacking Support for Shaolin…

I have an amused frustration over fundraising and seeking supporters of our

  • Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu
  • Youth Programs using Tai Chi Chuan
  • American Zen – America’s First Buddhist Rock Band
  • Buddha Z – author of Supersoul 13, Tai Chi Beginner, and Tao of Taoism – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life
  • Buddha Zhen – Shaolin Records artist releasing CD album of Meditation Music: Tai Chi Magic
  • The Hippy Coyote album : Coyote Radio Tujunga
  • Kung Fu Cowboy album release: End Of The Line recorded in his Tacoma truck while homeless
  • Richard Del Connor “Philosopher Poet” performances of poetry and solo flute
  • Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON teaching Northern Shaolin Kung Fu (88 videos per belt rank)
  • FREE Shaolin Kung Fu at www.ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com
  • Just being filmed and released FREE episodes of the DAILY TAOIST on Instagram
  • Self-help book based on Lao Tzu: TAO OF TAOISM – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life
  • Or any of our Shaolin Communications enterprises founded by Richard Del Connor in 1984:
    • www.ShaolinCOM.com
    • www.ShaolinRecords.com
    • www.BuddhaKungFu.com
    • www.ShaolinChiMantis.com
  • And websites of Shaolin Records exclusive artists:
    • www.AmericanZen.org
    • www.BuddhaZ.com
    • www.BuddhaZhen.com
    • www.CoyoteRadio.TV
    • www.CoyoteRadio.net
    • www.KungFuCowboy.com
    • www.HippyCoyote.com
  • And product websites:
    • www.TaiChiMagic.com
    • www.CoyoteRadioTujunga.com

Social Media Marketing

Facebook Pages of Shaolin Communications

  • Zombie Three
  • Shaolin Records
  • Buddha Zhen
  • Shaolin Digital
  • Buddha Kung Fu
  • Shaolin Chi Mantis Buddhist Gongfu and Taijiquan
  • Tai Chi Youth
  • Kung Fu Cowboy
  • Chinese Yoga
  • Shaolin Communications
  • Shaolin Pictures
  • American Zen
  • The Happy Hippie Hippy Coyote
  • Supersoul
  • The Rich
  • Zen Buddhist Podcast of Shaolin Zen
  • A Cat Named Bear
  • Shaolin Zen
  • Chinatown Comics

Twitter Accounts

  • Richard Del Connor
  • Buddha Zhen

Patreon Donor Accounts

  • Richard Del Connor
  • Buddha Zhen “Buddha Z”

Instagram Accounts

  • Richard Del Connor
  • Buddha Zhen “Buddha Z”

One-Man Marketing Campaign

As you know, I’m a one-man operation since 1991 when my daughter was born. I tried several times to have a rock band with other musicians in 1991 when I formed AMERICAN ZEN in Salt Lake City, Utah. I decided when she was born that I was going to be responsible for raising her. I became a 24/7 Mr. Mom. I’m proud of how well I raised her. I tried putting her in daycare when she was five years old after spending every day all day changing diapars, and caring for her. I was hoping to gain some extra time to work on my INDEPENDENT RECORD LABEL, Shaolin Records, formed in 1984 when I released my first vinyl record.

However, both I and Caitlin’s mother agreed that her behavior and language skills were being subverted and undermined by associating with the other daycare children being supervised by teenagers without sufficient parenting skills. We both decided it was in Caitlin’s best interest if I resumed raising her full-time and continued her homeschooling until Kindergarten when I could be an assistant teacher at Bennion Elementary in 1997 when he taught all her fellow students their first computer skills. During the holiday vacations of Easter and Summer months, I also taught Tai Chi classes for free to the entire school. There were so many students we divided them into grades 1 to 3, followed by another group of students grades 4 and 5.

During those years I founded Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu by volunteering and teaching at a Maximum Securigy Prison for two years, a couple rehabilitation centers, the YWCA, several other elementary schools,, a middle school, a high school, and several churches. I was accompanied by my daughter when she wasn’t attending public school except at the prison. There are lots of photos of her in the classes. My lifelong smile was also earned when she was able to lead all the adults at the Unitarian Church for the first half-hour of yoga, kicking and punching exercises when she was only 5-years old.

My son was born in 1998 and when he started kindergarten the teacher was amazed that he knew mathematics and could spell the word, “computer.” I really enjoyed raising my kids and obviously put a lot of time and effort into it. My years in Salt Lake City were rich with the lives I helped and benefited in our Shaolin Chi Mantis and Tai Chi Youth classes. I have letters of thanks from the office of the Governor, mayor and was surprised when the Chief of Police gave me credit for “cleaning up Liberty Park with my Kung Fu classes.”

Being a “hippy Buddhist from California” earned me some scorn from some Salt Lake Mormons who even tried to get me boycotted and fired from some of the institutions I became renowned at. This resulted in a backlash against them from the “Mormon Politboro” who issued “edicts?” to local parishes to stop their parishoners from hassling me. This resulted in the last few years I spent in Salt Lake City being wonderful and fruitful. The local Karate teachers would cringe when my students showed up at tournaments because they shined so brightly with skills and social graces beyond their competing students.

Shaolin Chi Mantis Sanctioned by Utah Board of Education

Rich Connor Singing Webmaster

Shaolin Digital Needs New Apple Macintosh Computer

Much to our disappointment, the computer we had before moving to Lancaster… is not functioning.  This is a setback.  We are researching the problem.  Probably need a new computer.

PC Resurrection

Oscar Barrera loaned me a PC a year ago.  Hard to complain about a gift… 

Patreon Accounts for Computer Donations

We started TWO Patreon accounts;

Buddha Z Needs Links

Which Links Should We Use?

Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital is deciding which links to go to from the BuddhaZ.com website for associate products.

Buddha Z has books for sale at amazon.com, itunes.com, and our own website shopping carts:

Over the last 20 years I have built product sales pages FIRST at the www.ShaolinCOM.com website.  This website had every product of every company of mine.

Now, I am considering posting and selling books at www.ShaolinCommunications.com  That is our book publisher.

Then, sell all the books and music videos at www.ShaolinRecords.com ?

Finally, movies, documentaries, and special visual products should be sold at www.ShaolinPictures.com ?

There are some product websites I built also:

If a record album by Kung Fu Cowboy is available at www.ShaolinRecords.com, Should I send them from KungFuCowboy.com to ShaolinRecords.com ?

Or should I sell the album right there on the KungFuCowboy.com website?  These are questions I need to answer as I move forward into these artist and product websites.

Buddha Zhen Richard Del Connor the Philosopher Poet and Shaolin Flutist

Website Completed

BuddhaZ.com is the first of ten WordPress websites being designed by Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital.  The goal was a simple site, with some edginess.  Buddha Z wants to avoid flattery and niceties to “get to the point.”  

The goal of this website was simplicity also.  The UPPER MENU is  only four items plus two sub-items.  Most of the links will utilize other websites already selling the products so I don’t have to build a shopping cart here.


BuddhaZ.com CONNECTS to YouTube/BuddhaZhen

In the last few years from 2015 to 2020 I performed as either “KUNG FU COWBOY” or “RICHARD DEL CONNOR” in nightclubs, libraries, and recording sessions.

As the Kung Fu Cowboy and Buddha Zhen I wore Chinese Kung Fu clothing.  As Buddha Zhen I word a Kung Fu sash formally.  As Kung Fu Cowboy I wore a black sash on my pants under my Kung Fu jacket.  It was hardly visible except for the shredded ends dangling on my left thigh.  

As Kung Fu Cowboy I wore a black cowboy hat from 2012 to 2018.  A dollar store black cowboy hat was used for the video series, “I’M NOT HOMELESS – I’M DOMESTICALLY CHALLENGED.”

In 2019 got off the street and moved to the high Joshua tree desert of Lancaster, California.  Here he resurrected his tan leather Spanish caballero hat he reshaped into his “Banana-style” cowboy hat worn in Los Angeles and Hollywood nightclubs in 1988 to 1989 when he met his wife Michelle.  

This YouTube CHANNEL is the KUNG FU COWBOY Channel.

Posts and updates on the Kung Fu Cowboy YouTube Channel WILL NOT by on this website.

So here’s your one chance to go subscribe to it.
        YouTube.com:  “KUNG FU COWBOY Channel”


Here is the YouTube CHANNEL for
Buddha Zhen / Buddha Z  “SHAOLIN CHI MANTIS” 
        YouTube.com:   https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCZo26rGmtMKAAWnbPzLW8Cg


BuddhaZ.com is #1 of 10 New Websites

BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen


Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


Here it is. I have to open SETTINGS to create a title…

First Blog of Shaolin Digital Website

Using ELEMENTOR for page building in WordPress

I will add some more in a minute…

Interesting.  I added two HEADINGS under the ELEMENTOR created title.  I had to open the “SETTINGS” to edit the title.  The two subtitles I added look cool in the BLOG INDIVIDUAL PAGE.  But on the HOME-BLOG page of this site you can see the two sub headings are both lost as regular text in the BODY TEXT.

So I won’t add Headings?  I will just create them in the text body TEXT EDITOR?

I had problems before when I built websites on the GoDaddy servers.  I would build a page in ELEMENTOR but edit it without Elementor and I suspected that caused pages to crash.  I would rather not learn by error–but that’s the price of learning without a master.

In setting up these 55 domains (they COULD all be independent websites) at InMotion Hosting, I have striven to learn from my mistakes and by watching YouTube videos: learn some new information like going to school for web desing lessons.

Adam Preiser at WPcrafter.com gets a lot of credit for teaching me stuff.  I’ve watched almost every video he’s made in the past two years.  I just went back and found some videos by Adam that I’d seen but not learned completely from.  That’s why I want to put summaries at the end of my lessons.  One important point I missed was using the plugin MAINWP for managing multiple WordPress websites.  

In starting these websites I had to consider how I was going to build ALL my WordPress websites.  I needed to choose ONE builder program:  either Gutenberg or Elementor or Beaver Builder of Divi.

I used all of them.  Beaver Builder seemed the easiest but Elementor seemed to have more bells and whistles and so it was: ELEMENTOR is the official WordPress website builder program we’re using.  Now, I need to honor and respect them by purchasing the PRO version of Elementor.  I hope it’s cheap.

I’m still a little nervous about editing my ELEMENTOR pages outside of Elementor, such as when selecting “tags” and “categories.”  I’ve had one scary crash when a page wouldn’t load.  Somehow I rescued it… I look forward to being confident with the Elementor plugin.

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