5 Soul Theory

Bear knows no boundaries.

Daily Taoist 1_56 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO #32b Musicians should not be Soldiers, Fences create Chaos

YouTube Video TRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 56 #32b.

Okay. I went and put some cold water on my face. Because I got all emotional in the last one. I read a book when I was a kid. I think 4th grade. Called FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. And there is a great movie that really told the story well called, “Charlie.” Anyway, that’s always shook me up.

But you see, that’s part of my life problem, is all my life I’ve known that I was smarter than everybody else–but I always thought everybody could be like me. I just thought that I had some sort of extra kickstart, or good edge or–you know. I… But somehow I didn’t think of myself as different. I kept trying to blend with the common man.

Okay, yeah… I seem to have an edge on you– But… Let’s be friends. But no. There’s definitely something different about me. And now I’m 66 years old and I’m finally accepting that. But, I’ve been trying to be a common man who’s just smarter. A common man who is a good musician. A common man who did Kung Fu. I didn’t realize I was so different. That I was not the common man at all. Well, I don’t know about not at all. Definitely blended in for a– That’s because I put it in the fourth position down here. I put that WORKER in. So anyway–

#32b. This is me. The Daily Taoist here. Got you your Daily Taoism. I’m trying to figure out how this is going to work. If this doesn’t work. I’m not sure. But I’m gonna give you about forty or fifty of these things. And see if they take off. If people like them, I’d love to keep doing them. Because as you can see: this information is inspiring for me. And I wrote it to be inspiring for you. And if we have something that works… we have a Tao going here.

I’d be willing to support this Tao. But I can’t support a Tao that’s like a seed that’s not gonna ever grow. That’s a dead seed you know. And that’s part of Taoism–I don’t think it’s in this part. It might be in the next part. I don’t remember seeing this one. But there’s a few things about seeds, and planting, and growing that are really interesting in the second half. Which I used to think about in Utah.

When I moved to Utah it talked about don’t plant a seed in the sand. You know, you have to plant it where there’s going to be water, and dirt or whatever… The point is, when I moved to Utah I realized, “Well hold it. I think I’m planting my seed in the sand. This isn’t working. Nothing’s gonna grow here.” So my life in Utah: I had to like take my dreams and put them in a little box. Then raise my kids and. I did do my Kung Fu. I did all kinds of interesting stuff. It is interesting how I did do that, but I had to totally flip my life upside-down. And then… So–

Where were we? #32b. Let’s get on here. This is the TAO OF TAOISM by me. Talking about– and Bear came back. After I went he just wanted to get back on my lap again. [LAUGHS] Actually, he was in the chair. And I couldn’t get him out. So I picked him up. Well, he wanted to be here, so… Okay. [LAUGHS] “Hello Bear.”

Like I said, I decided to relish your distractions. It’s not like he distracts me a lot. You add it up and it’s maybe less than an hour a day. So– An hour a day of love. Maybe we should have like a 30-minute minimum of love every day. That you get from some source.


All things and all–

But I was trying to say about the FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, I always thought that everybody was the same. And that led me astray in trying to do business relationships, partner relationships, working with other musicians–not realizing that some people would never be a real musician. I could recognize the talent. I could realize this guy’s capable of doing what I want, you know, type of thing. But I didn’t realize there was a MUSICIAN soul. There’s an actual soul. You have to be born with it. If you don’t got–you don’t got it.

That doesn’t mean you can’t learn music. You can just be a person who learns to play music. That’s fine. And then you call yourself a musician. But a real MUSICIAN, he’s born that way. Got a certain drive to get that music out of him. It’s different. I–It’s probably impossible for you to understand unless you’re a MUSICIAN. [LAUGHS] Because my dad doesn’t even understand. I’ve been a MUSICIAN for 66 years and my family still does not accept it. They don’t see it. They don’t understand it. So if your own brothers, and sisters and parents can’t understand what a MUSICIAN is– Obviously: nobody can.

So that’s why us MUSICIANS, we’re all dead. We’re a rare breed now. We’ve been siphoned off or SENT TO WAR. Gotta remember, you send them off to war. Give us PTSD and we’re burned. We’re damaged. We’re damaged goods. All our philosophy and our music… And everything’s gonna have THAT in it. That’s good if you want to write war stories from a regretful position and have this kind of dark slant on it. Which has its point in life, but I think we should just eliminate the whole thing: the wars, the people with the PTSD and everything. I think its all a mistake.

The point is that sending– I think– This is a hypothesis of mine: (Remember, I’m new to this whole “5 SOUL THEORY.”) But if you take an artist like me, and send us over to war. And then we come back: All of THAT is in our brains for the rest of our life. For the rest of my life I remember everything. My kid, my childhood, my kids, my teenage years, all the different girls I’ve been with… I can remember little bits of all the different girls I’ve been with, and everything…You know. But to have THAT stuck in my brain. And remember, when I’ve talked to soldiers. Real soldiers. People who’ve been in real combat… They’ve got regret. We don’t like killing people. Doesn’t matter how much you pay us. We don’t like killing people. It’s a shame some people don’t realize that until it’s too late.

Okay. Here we go. All– #32b.

All things and all persons
must integrate freely with Nature and each other.

FREELY. Freely. That means you don’t have to worry about getting shot while you’re intermixing and going from one place to another. You need to intermix. So anything–you’re shooting somebody–you’re against The Tao right there. You’ve already broken this rule. All things and all persons must integrate freely. Shooting them for integrating–you’re–you’re– you’re evil. You are evil. Okay?

Boundaries, fences– These are things that Trump loves. Let’s see where this line goes. I didn’t read this ahead. I don’t know.

Boundaries, fences, and any lines drawn
that are meant to separate
one part of Nature from another
will only frustrate Nature’s activities
into a reactionary chaos
that is equal to
the amount of control imposed upon Nature.

That’s that Spock thing again. [Star Trek] Remember that balance that he mentioned about. Being right and wrong. But this is about Nature. The Nature now.

They’re saying– okay– So: The more you put fences and boundaries and separate Nature and its activities and everything like that– Umm –You’re frustrating Nature.

So the amount of effort you put into building these walls and everything is the amount that Nature resents you. So the bigger the walls, the thicker the walls, the higher the walls.. the more Nature dislikes you. That’s really what it’s saying. [LAUGHS] Okay.

Everybody should be able to move freely remember. Anytime you put a wall up you’re defeating Nature. The animals have to go over there for their food. You put a wall: “Hey! Where am I going for my food? The water’s over there.”

You know, the stream. Every wall affects Nature. The way the wind blows. Maybe those seeds needed to blow over here. Maybe the bees can’t fly high enough to get over the wall to fertilize those flowers. So… Anytime we interfere with Nature… we affect it. So maybe.. We’re never going to know all the affects. It’s impossible. Well I don’t know the affects of all the bugs and things. We impact Nature. Everything we do. Okay.

Explain your material possession quest. [LAUGHS]

Seriously. Explain your material possession quest.

Everybody’s gotta want something. If you’re an American you’re trained and ingrained and bred to buy. But what do you want to get?

Me? I want I want more music equipment. Photography equipment. I need storage. I need webspace. I need designers. I need researchers. Anyway. I would just do what I’m doing–professionally. That’s what my material possessions are going to– enable me to be more enabled.

Explain your power quest.

My power quest. My power would be of course to remain in control and move this forward. Like raising a kid. The power to raise a kid. You don’t just say, “I hope he lives.” No. You exercise a power to exert, to protect that child, and raise him up and influence him. Buy this, and take him this, and give him this. So you use your power to raise him.

So that’s whay my power is. I want to raise my companies and get everything done. I’ve done it to some kids. And I’ve done buildings. And I’ve built all kinds of things. I want to build this, this media empire that I’ve got. Because I want to make videos. I’m gonna make albums. I’m gonna make books. I’m gonna do curriculums. I’m gonna have Kung Fu programs. I’m gonna… You know. And.. so… and the internet. The web shows. The radio stations. That’s how… so anyway. That’s what– That’s me. And I’m doing it all myself right now. Everything I just mentioned I’m actually doing. I’d just do it bigger and better. If I had more money. And more POWER!!!

Okay. Here we go.

Explain how you protect your belongings and power.

Well I’ve been homeless for six years man. That’s been more difficult than I even want to even tell you about. So let’s just go on. How about YOU? You. How do you protect your possessions… your belongings? And protect your power? What do you do?

But my story’s in my books. Get my poetry books from the last few years. Stories about being homeless. That explains everything. That answers that question very very well. In fact, it’ll answer it for me too. I want to know what I did. I’m moving forward. I don’t like looking back. My looking back is not that motivating even, for me.

Going forward is kind of like swimming through the seaweed. You know. I don’t want to look to see how much seaweed I’ve swam through. I only want to look at what’s ahead and I want to see where the shore is. And I wanna just keep going.

Awwwch. Okay. This is like I said, setting you up. But it’s important. We all need to say this.

Explain your patriotism.

Explain your patriotism.

Explain your team spirit.

[to Bear the cat] “Alright. See ya later buddy.” Gotta get all the hair off. [huff huff] I eat so much hair. It’s on my pillow even. I… probably have more hairballs go through me than– Not as much as a cat. But close.

Here we go.

Explain your patriotism. Explain it.

Explain your team spirit.

Now that’s something that– I’ve really been surprised. Because I was raised in a world of sports. So a lot of you millennials may not even know what team spirit is. Well actually, everybody’s gotta know it to some extent. Your family’s a team. Every– There’s teams– A real team spirit is something you have to have a team for. You have to work together. You have to have a goal. You have to lose. You have to suffer. You have to pull each other through. You have to get there. And you have to get to the end–whatever that is. And boom. That… process of getting together, being together, working together, failing together–it can’t always go good. Succeeding, failing, and hurting and helping and then getting here. That– You have to go through that to know what team spirit is. Because you develop your team spirit by being able to do that again.

Once you’ve done it once. Then you know what team spirit is. And then you can do it better.

Nobody’s going to be good at what they’re ignorant at the first time going through. But you get through that: now you’re aware of what team spirit is. So you’ve got to do it again and get better at it. Now if other people get better at it and then you actually get a better team. See? Because you have to help the team be good. If you’re a crappy team member–you’re just making the rest of the team crappy. Because that’s your motivation: Is just be crappy. Because you’re crappy. [LAUGHS]

So you’ve gotta get better. So it’s an evolving process. So team spirit requires a whole bunch of those things. And you do that a few times as you’re growing up in school in baseball teams, football teams, or in my case I liked being in rock bands. You know, that’s a team spirit to be in that rock band.

But you have to develop it. You have to be in those team situations. And if you haven’t been in those situations that require team spirit you’re just ignorant. You know, you’re just a worker. You’re just somebody who’s been hiding in their house their whole life. And that’s a shame. You know… I’m SORRY –AAAHHH! I take that back. I’m gonna back pedal. I don’t shame people. And it’s only a shame to somebody… That’s a response. It’s not a shame. You are who you are. Remember? This is The Tao. And I cannot shame anybody for having a different TAO than me. Or even going against the Tao.

My goal is not to shame you. It’s to make you aware of it. So if you say, “Oh. Really? I was doing this when I should’ve been doing that? Well now I know.”

Okay? Now the shame is: you don’t want to actually improve your life. Or do the right thing at that point. I think is a little shameful. In terms of your reputation: you’re shaming yourself. But I’m not going to shame you. And I think shaming is wrong. Because remember? That’s punishing. That means you’re trying to apply punishment. They deserve the consequences. That’s what shaming is. It’s punishing. So that’s not my job. Even if it was my job: I wound’t take it. [LAUGHS] I don’t want that job. That’s the wrong job to have.

Okay. I like to make people better. And shaming doesn’t make people better. It doesn’t.

Okay. Where were we? How many minutes we got? THIRTEEN? I’ve gotta totally blast. There’s no way! No way I can get through this. Am I on the wrong thing? Oh good. I was on the wrong page. Okay. Here we go.

Explain your immigration concepts.

Hey remember? I wrote this back in–twenty thirty years ago. Immigration’s become a hot topic.

Explain your beliefs on foreign trade and free help, duties, customs, and labor laws.

Wow! I mean these are hot topics. I would never have guessed. I’m surprised I even mentioned them. But these things are good to know and think about.

Describe a world of no countries.

Read that one more time and I’ve gotta go.

Describe a world of NO COUNTRIES.

Alright. Buddha Zhen here. Actually in lockdown in California. In Lancaster, California. So–


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music.ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_49 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO#28 Virtues Determine Rewards of Path to Goals

YouTube Video TRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 49

Man! This is a great book! That’s what I like about– Oftentimes I’m writing books, I’m writing for myself. And then I just make them so they’ll work for other people. A lot of these books like this one– This one was written 100% for me in the beginning. Then whe I formed my Kung Fu school I said, “Well, let’s change this over for my students.” And then about ten years ago I thought, “Well, maybe let’s see if I can change it over for the world.” And so, yeah. So you’re getting a kind of presentation of it. And then I’m gonna go in and record the audio book. So I recommend you go get the audio book. It’ll be recorded nicer, and you can listen to it. It o there wa pwon’t be so distracting. And hopefully I won’t ramble so much. [laughs] I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Alright. Let’s see. Okay, and by the way: the last question– I hurried off on the last video. Was, Do you enjoy reading how-to books? This is a how-to book: How-to put yourself together.

And by the way, I think I mentioned there was a pausing in on one of the videos. Maybe it was the last one and it kind of shut down. I think– did I do it? I think I did. You go into your SETTINGS and you put it on AIRPLANE MODE. Okay? So now you won’t get phone calls and stuff that actually shut down my recording program. But the program sends NOTICES. So I’ve told most of my programs, “DON’T SEND ME NOTICES.” My bank apps and all these different apps. I turned all the notices off on almost every single one. With a couple exceptions, including my phone which tells me when there’s something on my calendars or something. So the only way I can shut that down is tell them, “I’m asleep.” I still have to go into NIGHT MODE. So that’s AIRPLANE MODE plus NIGHT MODE and I think I can shoot without interruption. And I think that’s why it jammed up: I was getting a couple of notices. From the SETTINGS of my phone.

Okay. So here we go. #28 of the DAO TE CHING, or my version of it. The TAO OF TAOISM by me, Buddha Zhen. And this is THE DAILY TAOIST coming to you. And if this HAPPENS I’d love to be The Daily Taoist man. It’d be good for me. I’m enjoying this– maybe more than you are. [LAUGHS] It’s something that I would enjoy doing for ME. Let alone for you. Because I can’t really afford to be doing things for other people that aren’t of any benefit to what I’ve got to do now. I’ve got to focus my life. Remember? We’ve been talking about that in previous lessons. And that’s what I’m doing. I’m deciding who I am. What I am. What I’ve got to do. What’s important to me. And, kind of putting my life back in a new focus. In a new path.

# 28:
Life’s lessons are learned
by aggressive awareness that watches patiently.

Wow. How much of that’s me? And how much of that’s Lao Tzu? I don’t know right off hand. [LAUGHS] That’s a great line. It sounds like ME a lot. But remember this is Lao Tzu and my interpretation. So I definitely flavored this.

But here we go.

Life’s lessons are learned
by aggressive awareness that watches patiently.

There’s a bunch of noise going on out there. Sorry about that. Sounds like the trash can.

Wholesome values create pathways to goals
as rewards unfold naturally
according to the virtues of the person
who also realizes that the path rewards
are not the goals.

WOW! This is great stuff! This is great stuff. We should all review this on a monthly basis. Read this book every month.

Life’s lessons are learned by aggressive awareness that watches patiently.

Say, that’s very good. And most people don’t pay attention. I mean, tell me the colors of the houses down your street when you walk to the bus stop or whatever. What are the colors? Pay attention! But in order to really pay attention that means you’ve gotta aggressively pay attention. Okay? Look at that. “Hey, I didn’t even know that house had a white porch,” you know. And then there’s a grey house, you know… You’ll start to notice.

It takes awareness. It takes an effort. Cows, no matter if they’re all looking at the same thing… They ain’t seein’ nothin’. [LAUGHS] Their–their heads just pointed that way. So that’s how most people are. Their head’s just pointed a certain direction. They don’t see nothin.’ THEY DON’T SEE NOTHIN’. What am I? Talking very educated.

Now. Let me read it one more time and we’ll continue.

Wholesome values create pathways to goals.–

(I like that. There’s always a path to the goal but let’s do it with wholesome values.)

–As rewards unfold naturally–

(In other words, you’re gonna get some rewards as you’re headed towards your goal.)

–according to the virtues of the person–

(Okay, so your values now are going to determine the rewards that are going to happen along your path. Like Trump’s rewards are scorn and scandal. And he’s gonna be– I mean, to be honest with you he’s gonna try to pardon himself. But he needs to go to court and go to jail for all of the stuff he’s done as Presideent. I’m serious. He should go to jail. Yeah. We’ve gotta. We’ve gotta let people know in the future that they can’t just hijack our government and get away with it. He needs to go to jail. But anyway, those are his rewards that should unfold naturally.)

–according to the virtues of the person–

(His virtues are very very illegal.)

–who also realizes that the path rewards are not the goals. —

(And he realizes that these– Well actually, that’s one of the reasons he’s so screwed up. He thinks that all these rewards that he’s getting: these payolas and everything… He thinks these are his goals. That’s why he’s gonna pay the price for that. His goal should’ve just been: to be a good President. Do the best for our country and all this. But no. He’s just picking all the fruit off the tree. And it’s like, “We want you to help us run this farm.” And he says, “Oh sure!” And then he goes in and slaughters all the animals… and eats all the stuff… He’s just making a mess of the whole place. He’s not taking care of it. He’s not making it better than when he got there. He’s just pillaging. So that’s our President: pillaging our country. Pillaging our democracy.)

Okay. Here we go. What time is it? Five minutes? Okay. I’ve got a fifteen minute limit to get this on IGTV.

How much effort do you put into learning something new every day? [LAUGHS]

Every day! What do you put into learning something new? It’s so frustrating.

I’ve got a friend I’m trying to get to work with — I don’t want to say names, but a fellow producer. I’m just trying to get him to work on one of movie projects. “I don’t have time. I can’t even put in an hour a week.” You know, he’s just– So anyway, he doesn’t learn anything new every day. I’ve known him for quite a few years, I couldn’t tell you what he’s learned. I couldn’t tell you what he’s learned in the last few years. Nothing as far as I can tell.

But anyway–

Describe your patience.

Describe your impatience.

How much does it bother you when people are late?

How much does it bother you when people are late?

Are you good at ‘killing time’ — when you have to wait?

Are you good at killing time when you have to wait?

How do you do it? So what are the ways you do kill time if you have to? See what… anyway–

Do you squeeze Kung Fu– (Remember I told you I wrote this for my students.) –Do you squeeze Kung Fu practice in when unexpected gaps appear in your day?

When I was in Salt Lake City I was going to mix down, well I did. I paid a mastering engineer. I had to get it mastered so I could make a CD. And then I didn’t have enough money to make CDs. It was two or three years later I ended up getting a CD made. Sheesh. Being poor sucks!

Being poor has always hindered the production of my life and my ability to even help my family.

But as far as my stepfather was concerned: That’s okay. He didn’t care how much my family or me suffers or that I’m homeless. He’s just my FATHER.

I’ve got to go to a different planet. This planet sucks! Sorry I said that. This is a horrible planet to live on. [LAUGHS] Unless you want to be a cow. If you like working it’s a great planet. It’s a slave planet. If you want to just work and get paid–this is where you go. The planet to come and have a job.

Alright. Where were we?

Um, How much does it bother you– Oh, anyway. When I was waiting, the guy was almost an hour late. But when I was waiting for him I was doing all my Kung Fu practice. It was a morning thing. So he was supposed to be there like 9:30 or 10:00… He got there at like 11:30. I forget but he was an hour, almost an hour late. And I don’t even care what his excuse was. But the point is that while I was waiting I was doing all my Kung Fu workouts. So by the time he got there, I’d done them all. I’d done my Tantuis, some stretching and all that stuff so I was like, “Yeah. I got my daily workout routine totally done.” And I went in there and mastered in the studio.

So in a way, his being late–If he would’ve been on time, I wouldn’t have done that. I wouldn’t have got that workout in before the session. But having got the workout in I was in I was even– in my prime.

So you can make the day better by taking advantage of other people’s mistakes. Work with the Tao. Don’t fight against it.

Anyway. But anyway, there’s lots of advice I could give you. But it’s not gonna do any good if you don’t have that Nature. We’ve got to build in your Nature. Otherwise my advice isn’t going to fit into your Nature.

So let’s just figure out who you are. Don’t worry about what I’m telling you is good advice. Just figure out who you are and then you can figure how to take the advice that you like, and make yourself a person who can actually utilize that advice. Okay?

So, do you squeeze Kung Fu practice in when unexpected gaps appear in your day?

Summarize your values.

That’s all it says. They’re very vague questions to me but anyway:

Summarize your values.

We all have a value system. “Yeah. I go to work and I get paid. And I expect my wife to be there and kids to be clean…” You’ve got a value system. Or I expect to be treated well at work. And have a safe place. I need a parking spot. What are your values?

Who influenced your values and how did they devleop?

So if you’re back to the worker thing and you want to work, you want to have a place for your car and stuff… Are you imitating the role model of your dad or your mom? It’s one of those types of relationships and scenarios that your trying to fit into it. And feel omfortable… taking over that cog in the wheel.

Remember, I’m not making value judgments. I mean, you can probably tell that I don’t ascribe to some of these things…

Here we go. Fast. These are not– My value is to make you happy. Don’t try to be an artist like me. And I shouldn’t try to be a worker like you. See? We’ve just gotta play in our– We’ve got to find our Tao. Our Natures.

How many of your values were developed by you as opposed to the ones your parents may have taught you?

And remember that later– like fifteen years later, 20 years later I wrote the ACT ZEN book. Act Zen to Be Zen. And that’s based a lot on this book, and Buddhism, and a lot on my UCLA script writing classes. I learned about character development. So I put all that together: that’s ACT ZEN. Great book. Great book. Another one of those books you’d like to read at least once a year.

How many of your values are your parents and your religion’s teachings?

So look at– Where are your values coming from? Okay. So you said a minute ago that you have values: “I will not lie. I will not cheat. I will not steal. I will not kill.” Not everybody makes that value. Hopefully you do. Put that value down on–If you can write down, “I do not– I will not kill.” Really. I’d like to see you write that down.

Let’s see. So how many of your values are from your parents? And how many are from your religion?

Kind of separate them out and know where you’re coming from. And then you can say, “Oh what about all these other values I’ve got?”

Well, where’d those come from?

Kind of put yourself together. That ‘s what ACT ZEN does. It figures out where you learned everything. And where everything you do came from.

As an actor you need to know all your motivations. We’re not going into the spiritual thing. I didn’t even mention the spiritual thing back then. I’m just looking at your psychology of how you react and act. Which is mostly programmed, environmental.

But as we of course have always noticed whenever we do character program. A lot of people seem to be born in with certain traits. And now my SOUL THEORY explains them.

Here we go.

Despite all your values, how do you determine right from wrong?

You’ve got all these values working for you , but what do you really– How do you choose right from wrong?

“Well, it’s whether I like it or not.” “Smells good or it doesn’t smell good.”

What is it? How do you determine it?

What’s my time. Twelve minutes. Okay.

Explain the– It says, Oh–

List your virtues.

How are you a virtuous person? How are you a role model? How are you better than average?

How are you virtuous? How are you better than the average person?

Got any virtues? Hope so.

Explain the significance of money to you.

Okay? How significant? My relatives all call it, “My money.” “That’s my money.” “I don’t want the government taking it.” “Less government is less money…” They’ve got all these weird perspectives. Their money. Their money. They’ve all been bankrupt with their money. They’ve taken their money and they’ve all been bankrupt. All my relatives, they’ve all gone through at least one bankruptcy. I think every single one of them. They’re all Republican. It’s a normal thing I think.

Gotta hurry up. Thirteen minutes.

Explain the significance of money to you.

Like I said, my parents they get theirs. My mom said she’s gonna die with it. Remember I told you, my step father died and won’t give any. My mom says they’re taking it to the grave. They don’t think it’s right to even give it to me when they’re dead. I have no idea what he did with all his money. He’s a millionaire. Well he probably gave everything to her. But it, yeah. So I guess she’s got everything. So she’s a double millionaire.

But anyway, she said when she dies I’m not gonna get any. My parents! Like I said, I’ve got to find a better planet. I’ve gotta find a planet with good parents on it.

What rewards have come to you recently?

And be thankful. We’ve gotta be thankful. Because I actually did get a few rewards from my parents. Even my horrible realtives. They actually bailed me out a couple of times. One of my cousins without– I told him I’d make it a donation to Tai Chi Youth, but it was really to me. He gave me a thousand bucks. And without that I couldn’t have been able to rent the truck and everything to escape. I would’ve been stuck in Vegas even longer. So I give thanks to my cousin for that. One of my brothers gave me his old car when he replaced it. So I do get little things. And I do remember every one of these little things… I appreciate them. But overall… you know…

I’ve gotta hurry real fast.

What rewards have come to you recently?

What rewards are near?

What rewards do you have coming up here?

What goals were completed recently of yours?

And what goals are near?

Real fast.

So remember these rewards and goals may tie together and that’s what we’re kind of looking for.

I’ve gotta hurry and end this here.

But look at your goals and then look at the rewards you’re getting and try to figure out the relation and put your virtues–look at the whole thing and see if Lao Tzu is right.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_45 – Buddha Zhen Explores TAO #23 WHAT You Do is WHO You Are and WHERE You’re Going

YouTube Video s eTRANSCRIPT: Daily Taoist 45

Oh yeah. My formatting. I’m realizing what I want to do is read THE TAO at the end of it as well. So when we’re done at the end, I’m usually in a hurry, I’ll try to read THE TAO again so we can kind of see where we were coming from.

The last one was harmonizing our desires with Nature. And our own inner Nature.

Tao #23

Actions equal your Nature.

I’ve got a song about this. But let’s just read on.

Intelligent actions equal an intelligent Nature.

Did I write that to compliment myself? [LAUGHS]

The rewards of actions are Natural events.

Rewards of actions… Ahhhh. See…. BING. A little light bulb went off. Because I’m looking for rewards… finance… sell… sales or something. But I can’t find that Natural event. That’s why I’m saying, “Do I get out of Patreon?” I was hoping Patreon would be a Natural event. That would help me market and find people who would appreciate and support me. But it was not the Natural event I guess I’m looking for. I don’t know. I’m lost. I’m lost on this planet. That’s why I don’t want to come back. There’s not a Natural event for me as an artist. Or a creative thinker… Or a philosopher… I can’t find the Natural events for me to tap into. To get sustanence or provide nourishment for other people. I can’t tap into that. I’m just like a lone wolf out here all by myself with nobody to talk to.

So the Natural events for me to grow and share with you– I haven’t figured that out yet. That’s why I’m trying YouTube and my websites. Is that my Natural event?

Here we go.

Goals are attained through Natural behavior.

Well, I don’t force myself to do this. In fact actually I have to force myself NOT to do stuff… to be a creative person. Because I’ve got so much other stuff to do.

So my Natural behavior though is to always tend back to creating the art and spending less time doing the other things I might want to do.

Trusting Nature, The Tao, is trusting one’s own actions.

Yes, I’ve come to harmonize with the fact I’m a creative person. I accept the fact that I have these needs and desires and abilities that need to be–just utilized. Just be who I am. So I’ve known that ever since I was a teenager. And that nobody else can see it. That’s–I could never figure that out. So hurtful… that people couldn’t see my Nature. Which I’ve had ever since I was a teenager.

My own mother, she sent me a card. Might have had a check in it. I’ve gotten two checks from my mom in the last two years. I think my relatives pressured her because they know I’ve been kicked out and my mother didn’t give me anything. She’s a millionaire. And I’m homeless. Anyway, so… but one of those things she gave me–she gave me a card. There was two. I kept them both. They’re very very confusing. I showed them to my friends and my friends went, “Wow. That’s weird.” But one of the card… well– [LAUGHS] It says, “I hope you find your dreams.”

It’s like, I found my dreams FIFTY YEARS AGO. I’ve just been playing with them and working and creating them ever since. But because my mother never saw it as a money pot–in other words, the dream is always at the other end of the rainbow. And when you actually find your rainbow that’s your dream it always comes with the pot of gold. See? So my mom married her, my evil stepfather who passed away last year and left me nothing so I could stay homeless. He was evil. [LAUGHS] he was a horrible person. That was my stepfather. Anyway he– I don’t really want to got there. But I had a reason for going here. But um… Yes, so anyway.

Where were we. Anyway. She said– She couldn’t– “I hope you find your dream.” I found my dreams, but my parents refused to accept that you’re allowed to have dreams. You’re not allowed– They call me “A Dreamer.” And they think it’s wrong to be a dreamer. It’s a sin to be a dreamer. In fact that’s one of the reasons my mom disowned me. She said I’m “A Dreamer.” That wouldn’t work. “Just get a job like everybody else.” She thinks it’s wrong to support dreamers. So she took me out of her “WILL” so she wouldn’t support a dreamer. That was her motivation.

Okay. Here we go.

Describe your personality.

Well, I’d like you to describe it. [LAUGHS] It’s changed though. I wasn’t so comical. You look at pictures of me as a kid. I was like this robot I was like Data [from Star Trek]. No emotion. No smile. I look at those pictures like– That’s why I’d like for some people to tell me what I was like. I had my own perspective. I was just being me. But when I look at those pictures I think, “Man, that’s a pretty–” I don’t know. I wasn’t sour but, I definitely wasn’t as jovial as happy as I was– as now. So my personality has changed you know to what it is now. And having kids made me able to just make a mockery of myself. Once you have kids, you lose all your ego. Your self-esteem. [LAUGHS] No, not all of it. You know, you…basically… you have to just– When you become a Mr. Mom. You have to get down into that world.

Which is also what destroyed my reputation with my kids, in terms of Taoism [Confucianism]. Which is okay, but in Taoism [Confucianism] the father is ‘grave’ at home. I was like, “What?” That was one of my favorite translations of that. But it always bothered me the most. So it took me fifteen years–or ten years to figure it out. Father is ‘grave’ at home. “What?” “What is that supposed to mean?” Well, what it means is when Father goes home and he starts playing with the kids–they’re never going to take him seriously. He’s just like the neighbor father. He’s like the other kid. Or he’s like mom. Or he’s like big brother. He’s not special anymore. So when the Father comes home–what they mean by ‘grave’ is he’s always acting like he’s in a funeral. He has his whole other world of friends, socializing, and business, and partying. He doesn’t take the kids. So he’s got a whole other social world. So when he comes home to his children–in Confucian society he’s a King. And his children treat him with respect. Sure he can go play. But he plays seriously. He’s a teacher. You treat this person like a college professor.

See, I didn’t have that with my kids. So my kids will never have that kind of respect for me. They see me as just the daycare worker. [LAUGHS]

Okay. Where were we? It’s six minutes. Let’s see:

Describe your personality.

You describe yours. Describe mine while you’re at it. I’d love to hear what you say.

Describe your spiritual character.

Oh man, has that changed over the years too. Remember? I was a Catholic. And I was an Atheist. And then I became a Buddhist. And then I became a Native American Pipe Carrier. Then I became a Taoist. And then, oh yeah, I studied the Muslim religion. I won’t call myself a Muslim but I’ve read their Quoran twice… And I was friends. They used to always invite me the Temple. I’ve hung out with Muslims. But I decided I didn’t want to join. I’m trying not be part– Even the Chan Buddhists, there’s a couple of sects of Zen Buddhism that have tried to claim me. And it’s like, “No, no, no, no, no. I’ll just go ahead and be independent.”

Nobody’s really helping me get to where I am and nobody’s network has really got what I need to go forward. I’m just better… being who I am and carving my path. It’s all coming together. My Tao is coming together. Creating my Nature. I’m creating my environment–my world.

Describe your student, employee attitudes and quality.

As a student and employee. As a subservient person.

I am so obedient. I am just digustingly obedient. I shouldn’t say it like that because it’s my success. If you hire me you get the best. You get the best worker. If I’m not the best worker I’d be shocked. I’m always in the top 10% or less. I mean I always want to be a good worker. My upbringing. That’s the one thing my parents taught me is how to be a great slave. I come from the Pennsylvania Dutch and they believe in the work ethic. “You work hard. Serve God.” To serve God. I mean, that’s how they drill it into you. You’re serving God by slaving. [LAUGHS] So I come from that. So I’m a great slave. And I work very very hard all day long and I don’t complain. And I worker harder– In fact, most people say, “Slow down. You’re making us look bad.” You know. So… And as astudent–

“Hello Buddy” [to cat] “Wanna come up here?”

As a student I also– I am a very very good student. Always at the top of the class. The teacher’s pet . When I was at UCLA I was hired by several of my teachers. My teachers hired me and I went out in commercials and music videos. I was such a good student they could tell I was a good worker. And… in one of my– in fact the reason I got on Cinesong, I was hired for Cinesong was I — Kevin Dole. Where are you Kevin Dole? I love you. You’re a great guy. I worked for you for a couple years. For a year anyway. One of my students, fellow students at UCLA had to go to a doctor appointment. She goes, “I’ve gotta work on a music video tomorrow for REO Speedwagon.” She goes, “If you’ll take my place on the video–I still want to take the paycheck but you’ll get the experience of working on a music video if you’ll work for free.” “Okay. I’ll do that.”

On that REO Speedwagon video, it was the first one they did. Can’t think of the name of it but I can picture it though. And in fact I even saw it on YouTube this year. But anyway, that music video. In fact, I think I looked up all of them I did last year. Buy anyway, the… I did so well– Ane one of the things I did, being a guy. Anyway, being a worker as opposed to a woman is that I kept sweeping and cleaning… and I kept asking them if the wanted coffee. And they ended up hiring me and working there for a year or so. And they told me later. They said that the reason they hired me was because I was just so unoffended to just go get a cup of coffee and do mundane things that evidently other people would go, “Tsk… Really? You want me to do that?” [LAUGHS] I was like, “Sure! You want a cup of coffee?” So that kind of enthusiasm got me that job and got me to make all kinds of commercials. And from there, we were working at Apogee. And Apogee saw me and they liked me and they said, “Hey. We’ll hire you too. We like you. You’re a good worker.” I was a Production Assistant on all kinds of movies and lie, “Spaceballs” “The Unholy”… all these movies and i was just working in the production. I was a Production Assistant. So I’m not even in the movie credits. I didn’t care. I was a student at UCLA. I was actually going to night school and doing these music videos… Like I said I met her at night school.

So.. but, by being a great employee–that actually changed my life.

Where are we? My cat’s right in the middle of my book. “Hi buddy.” [to cat] “I can’t see the page because you’re on my work.”

Here we go. Let me move it over a little bit. “Let’s share this book with me?”

Describe your leadership qualities and skills.

Ah. Now that’s very important. Now remember, most people are WOMEN – WORKERS. They’re employees. And an employee is not a leader. He’s a follower. So you’ve gotta remember 80% of our population is followers. Okay? But! Half of those people have to leaders to lead the other followers. So we’ve gotta train the followers to be leaders. Okay so…just letting you know you may not have the–you may not realize the whole picdture here.

Okay. Here we go.

Describe your romantic relationship qualities. Okay?

I don’t know what I have now. I mean I want to be romantic. I remember during the seventies or in the eighties if I went three weeks without sex it was like, “Wow! There’s something wrong with me. What’s wrong with me?” And then I remember when started to become more relationship oriented in the eighties, I thought to myself, “Wow! I haven’t been in a relationship for three months.” I remember those two things happening once. So I was in so many relationships and things. But I was in them for the wrong reason. I was in the relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.I wasn’t in the relationship because it was going to benefit my future, my career, of all these things. I wasn’t opportunistic and greedy as I should’ve. As a rseesult i had great sex, and love and whatever… but who cares? It’s all gone now. If I could do it over I would rather have chose more wisely. [laughs] Rather than– I’d arather go for quality than quantity. I didn’t get the quality.

So my relationship qualities were then were just– I was a stud. I mean, I could score really easy. And I’m not saying that to be macho or anything. It was just– It’s a shame. It was kind of a shame. It got too easy. And a lot of girls would like hit on meand say, “You wanna have sex?” And say, “Well okay.” [laughs] It was a different world back then. One night stands were a normal thing.

Okay. Where were we. Not for me. I still always at my most rambunctious I was still looking for a relationship. Always. I can definitely say that. I was always looking for a relationship.


Describe your family attitudes.

Ah. I had incredible family attitudes for a while. I thought I came from a better family than I did. When I tried to create my family. I was trying to create a little entertainment complex. You know. So, I was totally wrong. I was totally screwed up. My family concepts. Hopefully yours are better.

Real quickly:

What are your insecurites?

What are your fears?

Explain your pride.

Do you make mistakes and why?

Do you trust other people most of the time?

How are you helping other people attain their goals?

And sum up your Nature.

And lastly, people in the homeless industry do not help people get out of it. They don’t help them with goals. Nobody helps people with goals. That’s the most important thing we have to do in the world. That’s what I’m trying to do is: I’m trying to help you have goals and attain them. That’s really really important.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

Buddha Z Official Blog (Heavy Metal “Buddhist Rapper,” Buddhist Poet, Shaolin Flutist)

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

Instagram of Buddha Zhen

Twitter of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Buddha Zhen

Facebook of Shaolin Zen

YouTube Channel of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu (“Daily Taoist” EPISODES)

Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP

Daily Taoist 1_11 – Buddha Zhen explains The WARRIOR Soul and Inner Nature of the Tao Of Taoism

Daily Taoist 11 – Buddha Z reads from The Tao of Taoism book he wrote for his Shaolin Kung Fu students.

YouTube Transcript: Daily Taoist 11

Okay.  Anyway, just took a break I found—
Man, seems I’ve got a lot of stuff I’ve got to get out of the way.
Before I record that audio book.
So… you guys are getting a whole bunch of bonus material here.  
Hope you appreciate it… 
Let’s see… anyway… Let’s continue on.
We’re on page eleven out of sixty-nine pages.  
Yeah, yeah. a couple left.  
A lot of pages of commercials in the back here.  
Sheesh.  About six pages of ads about myself.  
But anyway, it looks like the content actually goes to page 62.
Then there’s a bibliography… so 62 pages.  We’re on page 11.

TAO #2 of Tao Of Taoism

The nature of each person is a collection of various characters and identities.
Even the best or most pronounced abilities do not represent anyone as a description.
And that’s so true of the “5 Soul Theory.” 
Somebody is a soldier that doesn’t mean they’re a WARRIOR. 
That means they’re a WORKER acting in a WARRIOR capacity.
Now some of them are WARRIORS.
You can pick those guys out.  Those are the lifers and the people who seem to thrive.  
And you hear the stories about them. 
And and I’ve met some of them, you know.
They’re— they find their place there.  They accept their place, you know. 
In the battlefield… the danger… 
The fact that they noticed that other people can’t handle it, and they can… 
They start to realize, “Hey I’m different.” 
And so they just kind of accept it. 
But yes, there are WARRIORS. 
But they’re a small percentage.
I’m not sure how they got in there or where they came from.
Like I said, I don’t know the designs and origins of these “SOULS.” 
I’m calling them.
But anyway… okay, so like I said, just because you’re a Marine doesn’t mean you’re a WARRIOR. 
It means you’re a soldier which is a WORKER acting as a WARRIOR.
That’s not a WARRIOR. 

What — Is YOUR Nature?

Describe your own nature as you know it.
Oh man I’ve been talking about mine.
How does your nature guide you?
Well, real quickly…
I was gonna try to finish this page real fast 
but that that’s been one of the things I’ve had to figure out.
It’s been one of the conflicts.  
Cuz like I said, my family’s been always saying, 
“Go this way.  Go this way.”
I’ve always wanted to go: this way, this way… 
And so I’ve had this push-shove and I felt guilty.
And then sometimes when there was nothing going on…
And I wasn’t in a band… I didn’t have any money… 
And then they would say, “Go get a job!” 
And how can I defend my position you know? 
How can I convince them: 
that me staying home doing nothing or writing music 
and playing and recording and writing poetry… 
How can I convince them that that’s more important 
than going and getting a job? 
I can’t.  I couldn’t.  I still can’t.  [LAUGHS]
Now if I made a million bucks and I was Stephen King… 
They’d be going, “Do it.  Do it Richard…”
That’s a shame, if they actually would have supported me 
and helped me or promoted me… made my life better you know… 

Given me more time to promote myself as a writer that 
they’d probably be proud of me as I make millions of dollars.
But anyway… How do you know when you’re in conflict with your nature?
Like I said, it’s when I’m just doing things that— 
and I can’t do music— I can’t write— and I’ve got these ideas and I can’t do it.
And I can’t make a phone call like I’m a MANAGER. 
I can’t.  They say, “On no.  You can’t do it.” [USE PHONE]  
You have to wait ’til your lunch break.
In fact, in those days we didn’t have cell phones.
So that means you’d have to go to a payphone.
Which means I couldn’t do that.
Which means… So when I went to a union carpentry job I was gone all day.  
And I’d leave early in the morning.  So maybe I could catch them at night.
But they’re gone by the time I get home.
And you know… so you can’t have two lives.
You’re either a carpenter or a musician.
I couldn’t be both.  But I tried. So that was one…  

How Did You BECOME You?

So how did your nature develop unconsciously? 
Well like I said, I’ve always been driven to be music.
I’ve played music all my life.
My whole life, I’ve just done it.
And when I was 13 and I told my parents to trade in my— 
Actually might have been 12— but we’ll say 13.
Yeah was 12.  When I was 13 I told my parents 
to trade in my trombone and get me a guitar. 
They took my trombone and put in a music shop.
Got some money… 
“Where’s my guitar?” 
“We’re not gonna buy you a guitar!”
That was 1966.  [LAUGHS]
So anyway in 1967 I got a guitar.  
I went and got a paper route and I saved up enough money for a down payment.
50 bucks on a 150 dollar Fender Mustang, red Mustang.
And then I made payments on it and paid it off.
Ironically, I found out that by the time I was done 
giving my parents the money that I owed for that thing 
my dad kept paying it off for another five, six months.  
Because he was paying it off in smaller pieces than I was.
So I paid it off faster than my dad could pay it off
But anyway—  I was just trying to show you how I was— 
I was so determined to get my guitar.
And then when I was exiled to Newfoundland and I was up there— 

Exiled in Newfoundland – Performing to Geese

Before they finally sent me my guitar—
My uncle had a South American guitar.  So I played that.  
And every day I played it for them.
But I used tell that story.
Maybe you haven’t heard this one. 
After I was done working— I had 600 wild fowl.
I was on the Oxen Pond Game Reserve.  
If any of you are Newfies out there? 
You’re going to go, “Really you?  
You’re—“ and maybe they’ve even heard about me. 
Maybe I’m a legend. I doubt it. 
I lived there for a year.  Less than a year.
A half a year.
Anyway before they destroyed it.
They cut it and they killed all the animals.  Terrible story.
I was there and then I had to…
Then I took up with a television producer.
She adopted me.  
So I’ve got an interesting story there in Newfoundland
But anyway… Wait. 
How did I get on to that?  That subject? 
Oh, when I was playing for the geese.  
Anyway, so anyway, I’d do all my work
Do the geese in them and 
I’d sit out on the balcony and I’d play that guitar.
And all the geese would come.
It was sixty acres you know.  
So, but the geese would come from all over the place… 
and come up there.
Mostly because I was feeding them.
I wasn’t gonna walk sixty acres.
So I’d go down about that far… and that far… 
and put out the food and stuff like that.
But I didn’t want to walk all the way up there…  
Anyway it was more hassle.  
I’d just keep them spread out… it was easier.
So anyway I’d feed them out there twice a day.  
In the morning and then I’d feed them.
In the evenings I’d feed them. 
And then I had Ospreys and snowy owls 
down below in the basement that I had to go feed every day and take care of.
And so anyway in the evenings I’d play the guitar 
and all the birds would come down and collect.
And they would just sit there and be totally quiet.  
And when I stopped— they’d all raise up their necks…
 [CACKLE, CACKLE, CACKLE]. I was like “WOW!”
First time I was like, “They gonna attack me?” 
It sounds like this… sounds like they’re complaining… 
Maybe they don’t like my music.  [LAUGHS]
But no.  As soon as I’d start playing they’d be quiet.  
I’d play, I’d sing and it was the coolest…. 
I’ll remember that the rest of my life.
Anyway I did that for a few months.  
Yeah!  Playing for the geese.  
My… one of my first audiences.
As a soloist they were my first audience.  
[LAUGHS] That’s me.  Playing for the birds.
Okay I’m talking about Canadian Geese, ring-necks… 
all kinds of really you know, big stuff.  600.  
And wood ducks… oh I can’t remember all their names now.
Wood ducks and all kinds of stuff.
And it was my job to clip their wings so they couldn’t leave.  
So that’s why I knew I always had like 600 of them
 because every few months you have to 
cut off from their primaries underneath… 
so they kind of fly crooked.  They can still get up.
They could you know do something… 
but they can’t go airborne because they kind of go in circles.
Anyway that’s how we kept them captive.

The Exploratory Tao of Buddha Zhen

Where we going?  How many?  Seven minutes. 
Let’s see if I can wrap this up real fast. 
I’m not sure I’m trying to make little teeny sections.
I don’t— like I said, I don’t even know where I’m… 
Well I know where I’m going. 
But I’m kind of like finding the Tao you know.
This is like an exploratory Tao.
Usually when I talk about your Tao and your path, that’s a regular journey.
You’re making that on a regular basis… it’s the same type of path.
But right now I’m forging off into New Territories.
If you want to remember that soup analogy: I’m not sure… 
but there’s a big hunk of beef coming…
Here we go… Where are we? 
Who or what influenced your nature to be what it is?
I found out—  I’m born with some of it.
I used to give certain credit to certain people and things that are influences.
But what we do is— We can decide who we’re gonna be.
So that’s why like I said, somebody who’s a WORKER 
can imagine themselves as a WARRIOR, 
and maybe go out and be a soldier and do a good job.
That’s what it would be it would be.
It would be a job.  And they would do a good job.  
And that’s a soldier.

How can you— what can you do to improve or develop your nature?
For me it’s not work.
I shouldn’t have taken any jobs.  

Number one:  Don’t work for anybody else.
I mean I’m really kind of struggling right here. 
I gotta hope that I make some money soon because I really don’t want—
Well I can’t.  I’m actually— 
I’m not hirable.  I’m 66 years old.
Who wants a philosopher-poet-musician-manager 
whose companies aren’t making more than a hundred, couple hundred a month? 

What is Success of Tao Of Taoism?

So anyway, I just have about… I don’t have a fan club right yet.
Here we go.
What can you do to improve or develop your nature?
I’m with you right now.  This is part of it. 
I told you I was gonna— I decided the day that Oscar died— that day. 
And then he died in his sleep that night.
That day… that’s when I put it on my calendar.
I was gonna start doing this book on Tuesdays. 
I was gonna record a chapter like each week. 
I’d do a section.  Edit it.  Make it real professional.  
And upload to YouTube.
And then edit the audiobook and build 
a really professional audio book.

And so that’s what I had decided the day that he passed away. 
And so I’m saying,  I know… I’m kind of— 
I don’t know think I should talk about those things on the professional video or the audio book.
So I’m getting it all out with you.
Yeah, thank you for being here listening to my stuff.
Ten minutes.
I was hoping to get out of here quicker.  I’m sorry.
What can you do to improve or develop? 
Like I said, I’m doing it.
I’m being me.  I’m gonna develop my products 
and things that I’ve finished. 
I’m gonna take them to the next level instead of just 
letting them sit on my shelf where nobody’s gonna ever see them.

Like this book.  Remember— I wrote this book back in the ‘80s. 
Redeveloped it in the early ‘90s.  
And then turned it into this version ten years ago.
And still, nobody’s read it.
So that’s taking it to the next level… 
Maybe now somebody’s gonna run into my book.
And go, “Hey. Hey my friend should have this book too.” 
Alright, let me see… where are we? 

Do You KNOW What a Friend is?

Oh by the way, that’s what a friend is. 
A friend is anyone that improves your life. 
You can know all kinds of people… call them friends.
But if they’re not making your life better… 
supporting what you’re doing… 
You feel like they’re actually a support team 
or an improvement team…
Or an investor team, whatever… 
That— that’s your friends.  
Your friends are the people who improve your life.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said “investor” 
because maybe they don’t care about improving your life.
They’re just trying to improve their bank account.
They’ve got to want to improve your life.  
So it’s gotta be a part of their motive too- okay, 
that’s what it is: it can’t be accidental.

Which of your natures is most prominent or receives the highest priority?
That changes.  That changes.
Sometimes the WARRIOR gets up there.
And you know I’m the Kung Fu master.
How do you think I learned all these weapons 
and taught all these classes for 40 years? 
But mostly I’m a MUSICIAN. 
That’s why I even as a Kung Fu guy— 
I always had fun with my students. 
Never beat anybody up… Hurt people… 
want anybody to get hurt… like a hippy…. 
hippy… hippie Kung Fu master.
That’s what I am.  A Hippie Buddha.

The Tao of Your Future

Okay.  Let’s see— 
Which of your natures should be most prominent for the next five years?
I’ve got a nice blend going on now. 
They’re all kind of in harmony.  
So for me, my Tao is very complex.
That’s why I say, “Don’t use me as your example to be you. 
You probably just have WOMAN / WORKER / WOMAN / WORKER.
That’s it… and that’s fine.  And I’m gonna show you how to master that. 
And how to use it.  Because it’s a support team.  
You’ve got four people working together.  
So if you can figure out how to get this person to support this one
to support this one… and this one supports that one… 
and this one supports that one… 
You get that type of— that creates power.
So that’s what you want you know. 
And everybody just doing their own thing… but in harmony together.
So okay…
Which of your nature’s should be most prominent?
Well I guess the MUSICIAN’s up front.
But I’m trying as hard I… sadly… 
I’m trying as hard as I can not to write any music or play anything.

I’ve got this one song that’s been haunting me for like a week.
I went and just recorded some of it a few days ago thinking,  
“Oh hey, let’s get it out of my head…”
But it didn’t because I really didn’t get it.  
Did I know… I’m not gonna say at all… “that’s good.”   
So this is a song that’s like bugging me… to get out… 
And I’m just trying not to.
I’ve got all this— really— I mean I’m seriously not 
I’m in a terrible bind.  I’m on death ground trying to 
make enough money because in the next three months 
I’m gonna have all kinds of domains coming up. 
My web hosting coming up.  My… I’ve got my fees for 
my smog test and my car registration, and something else. 
I mean, all these bills are happening like within a two-month window… 
and I just don’t have that much money yet.
I know how much I’ll get each month and I’m— [LAUGHS]
How can I make some more money come in?
So that’s why I’m actually kind of late trying to let you finish some of these projects.
Because even this one— maybe I’m not gonna make any money right now.

Audiobooks by Buddha Zhen / Richard Del Connor

But if I can get that audiobook done…
And it used to be I had to have five finished audiobooks done.
I started this before I went homeless back in 2011. 
I was trying to get my audiobooks to be an 
audiobook producer for Audible.
And so if I could get my audiobooks and get them out there… 
I think that they could sell. 
I think that people like my voice.
And so I don’t know why it’s so kind of raspy today.
Actually I’m not singing in like one or two weeks.
My voice is actually.  Gosh listen to this.
This is what happens when I do not sing for over two weeks.  
I’m not driving around in my car or anything.
I don’t have any gas money, and my car’s got an engine light on.

So I’m like anyway… well, I’ve gotta sing.  
And I’ve got it on my calendar. 
I’m supposed to be singing every day.  I’ve got it every day— 
I got a little window I’ve gotta play flute… 
every day that I’m supposed to sing… 
I’m trying to regiment myself a little.
Push myself into some good habits.
Okay.  So… but—
Which of nature’s for the next five years?
It’s gonna be a blend.
My goal is to harmonize.  And yours too now actually.  
So as far as prominent— if it’s will get on that another time. 
14 minutes.  Okay. 


BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


Daily Taoist 1_10 – Buddha Zhen Finishes Explaining ‘5 SOUL THEORY’ of Richard Del Connor

“You’ve got the WORKER soul. You’ve got the WOMAN soul. That’s most everybody.”

Buddha Zhen jokes about red ink spots on his hands from his red pen. “I love these pens–but they leak really easily…”[Precise V5 Rolling Ball]

Buddha Z wiggles his pinky finger, “WORKER [soul].”

He wiggles his ring finger, “WOMAN [soul].”

He wiggles his middle finger, “WARRIOR [soul].”

He concludes, “W – W – W: Those three go down here at the bottom . You’ve got the 3-W’s: WOMAN, WORKER, WARRIOR. [SOULS will be capitalized from now on.]

“You can put them in any order, BZ continues. “Those three are the reproductive layer. Those are the ones that reproduce.”

“Up on top we have the rulers… I’m still figuring this out. This is a new concept. I just invented this theory a couple years ago.” [Current month is March 2020.]

“It’s been evolving through my poetry. I’m really excited to see my poetry evolve this awareness as I’m complaining about these things, and learning more until I finally figure it out… “Seeing how I got to here.”

Buddha Z holds up two fingers and grabs one.to wiggle. “The two on top. I gave you the MUSICIAN [soul]. The MUSICIAN is all creative thinkers. All the creative thinkers. People used to say, “These are people born with a ‘MUSE’… This is a special soul. The creative soul. I’m one of these people. Look at all my books. 150 books or something, maybe more. A couple thousand songs–all the things I create and do. I’m a creative person. That’s my soul. I can’t turn it off. It’s just who I am.”

Buddha Z laments about the years he was a laborer, not producing or utilizing his creativity. “It’s just a shame to be working full-time when I could be using my creativity. If I’m working I have to stop being creative.” BZ acts and pretends to be hammering nails. “Do that for a whole bunch of hours–my mind can’t be creative. If I start being creative I’ll hurt myself. Chop my finger off or something.

So you’ve gotta be careful. [Focused when working.] That’s why it’s not a good idea to put creative persons in those types of positions. Theyre suppossed to be creative. They’re the dreamers.

My family despises dreamers. In my family there are no artists. I’m the only one. The only one. So they despise me. They actually cannot understand me. Even after sixty years. I’m 66 years old and my parents still don’t accept the fact I’m a musician. They think it’s wrong. They think its a choice.”

Buddha Z points at the camera imitating his scolding parents and brothers, “You decided to do that just to piss us off!”

Buddha Z shrugs. “It’s not true but–” He smiles slightly, “Sheesh. How can a parent be pissed off their child has artistic talent? That’s terrible.”

“They just can’t understand.”

MANAGER and MUSICIAN Souls Are on the Top Row of 5 Souls

“So what’s the fifth one [soul]? We’ve got the three on the bottom and both the two on the top are M’s. So I use MUSICIAN because that covers all the creative people. And MANAGER [soul].”

“Now the MANAGER doesn’t have to be the scientist, or the guy who’s a MUSICIAN… or who’s good at math. That would be the MUSICIAN… The MANAGER is the one that goes for power. They’re not the one whose gonna want to stand in line and want to be on the assembly line. They want to own the company. They’re just not gonna be happy on the assembly line. You cannot bribe them into boredom like that. They just cannot do it. That’s the MANAGER.”

“Those two M’s on top: That’s what we got here in Washington, D.C. But now, we have a whole bunch of WOMEN who have a MANAGER power thing going… They have this emotional desire to be greedy and get what they need for their family. Because that’s normal. That’s the WOMAN’s job to collect everything.”

“The man [WORKER] goes off to work. But the WOMAN’s home all day. Kind of keeping everything intact. She’s not gonna sit there and watch the neighbors walk away with everything.”

Buddha Z pretends to be a WOMAN incorrectly, “”Oh you want the lawn mower? Take it. Okay. Go ahead and take our car.” No! She KEEPS everything intact.”

“The greed factor–“

“Sorry I said that so negatively. (Personal lperspective). But it’s just inherent. It’s the way it is. The greed factor is the WOMAN factor.”

WORKER Souls are the Working Class

“If the WORKER is greedy, “I want a raise! I want…” He’s gotta settle for what he’s got. He cannot be so greedy. I don’t know if they were created. Spiritually shave this of… and shave this… I don’t know. I’m still figuring out the dynamics of each one [soul].”

“On top you have the MANAGER and the MUSICIAN. So that’s what makes me kind of frustrated. I’m an ARTIST first.”

“In the first place I’m a MUSICIAN. Always been a MUSICIAN. I can’t stop being a MUSICIAN. I love being a MUSICIAN. If I could only do one thing and be happy–I’d be a MUSICIAN. I’m a MUSICIAN.”

“Next thing I am is a WARRIOR. I’m brave, fearless. I’m a hero. I like to help people. That’s where my compassion comes from. Weird. I thought It was a WOMAN thing. But it’s not. It’s a WARRIOR. That intention. I couldn’t figure it out. That drive.” Buddha Z gets teary eyed.

“I’m a hunter. I’m out there hunting rabbits at night. I’m out in the canyons by myself. it’s that WARRIOR thing… I don’t hunt anymore… No apologies… There’ve only been a couple times in my life I’ve killed an animal needlessly. And I bear that burden the rest of my life,” he says getting teary-eyed again.

“See. That’s the WARRIOR. The WARRIOR knows right from wrong. Youcan train him. Train him to know right from wrong. I was raised Christian so…, that’s my sense of right and wrong. I was a Catholic. That’s how I know right from wrong. That includes not killing needlessly. The Christians who do aren’t Christians.”

“Can you say them? The Three W’s on the bottom. WORKER, WOMAN and WARIOR. And then the two on top, MUSICAN and MANAGER.”

BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


Buddha Zhen explains 5 SOUL THEORY including WORKER, WOMAN, WARRIOR, MUSICIAN and MANAGER souls.
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