Daily Taoist 1_30 – Buddha Zhen Explains #18b which Republicans Use to Confuse Ignorant Americans

YouTube Video TRANSCIPT Daily Taoist 30

Hey, I said i was gonna sit down and run but it looks like I’m gonna do about five of these things in this sit down session here. Let’s see if I can finish my 18s. I’ve got five of these things.

#18b: When information becomes abstract, complicated, scientific, or too elaborate in becomes unnatural to understand, and leads to ignorance of the underlying truths.

Ouch. That was a big one.

Hey. Buddha Zhen, the Daily Taoist here. And we’re working in my book, the TAO OF TAOISM. And this is #18b. Now Lao Tzu supposedly wrote this. Let’s see if we can understand it. I paraphrased it and… I’ve got a lot of words in here.

When information becomes abstract– (Okay. Like “Make American Great.” That’s abstract. That means absolutely nothing.) –complicated– (Or complicated? How would you make something complicated? Oh, let’s make it like MC-squared. What?) –scientific– (I just said that. “Like it was 300 years ago on this particular date in this season…”) –or too elaborate– (See. I’m kind of one step ahead here. Okay like this-and-this-and-this…) –it becomes unnatural to understand.

Okay. So when information becomes abstract, complicated, scientific, or too elaborate: it becomes unnatural–to understand. And leads to ignorance of the underlying truths.

Oh man. Is that so true! You see, that’s the secret of our current political climate. The Republicans love this. They want the information to be abstract so that the underlying truths will support ignorance. In other words they don’t want you to know the truth. So this is– Look at this! This is actually– this is a little triumvirate of how to put this thing together.

When information becomes complicated, scientific, abstract, too elaborate it becomes unnatural to understand. So you have to FORM an understanding. They TELL YOU what the understanding is. That’s the trick: is they TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK. Here’s this information that doesn’t make sense. It means this: “Oh. Okay.”

Now they have basically used your ignorance to make you think in a way that actually has no reality. [laughs]

That’s cool. That’s the science of politics right there.

Are your rules and ethics understandable and simple? Explain them.

I gave you four lines to do it.

Are your rules and ethics understandable and simple? Remember, we were talking about that before. You have all these rules and ethics. You should be a little more familiar with who you are and what you are. So are they understandable to other people? Are they simple? Are they complicated? Explain them. Either way.

Which of your rules and ethics are not so simple or understandable by others?

Okay, so some of these things may be understandable to you, but how easy is it for other people to understand and appreciate them?

Like one of mine about writing music and poetry. People just grasp that. “What do you have to do that for?” “I don’t have to do that.” “I never want to do that.” “You have to do that? That’s ridiculous.” They don’t understand. It’s okay. So… I’ve just had to live my life with the fact that most people aren’t going to understand my ambitions, lifestyle… is important to me. And here I am 66 years old still–you know, kind of fighting with–even my family. Sorry. I just have to accept the fact that a lot of people are never going to understand me.

What is your purpose in life if there is an afterlife?

Oooh. Well my purpose in life is to — actually this is kind of an interesting thing: is to end all wars. There never needs to be another war on this planet. Ever. Wars are so ridiculous and stupid its amazing. Its amazing. There never needs to be a war. Ever. Ever again. If you think there is–then you’re the problem. You don’t need to have a war. Anything that a war can solve–can be solved without the war. There’s a way to do it without war. Okay. Anyway, that’s one of my purposes in life.

And one of my ways to do that– is actually: if I can make people smarter and happier I think that they’ll be able to understand that. Right now, the way it is: people are greedy and mean. Selfish and corrupt. So they think war is a cool thing. Wow. I talk to people. They believe in war. They support war. The think, “War has to exist. War needs to exist.”

Sheesh. I can’t even talk people out of it right now.

So that’s my goal to make people happier and smarter so they can go, “Oh yeah. You’re right. We don’t have to have a war.” “Yeah look. There’s no reason to have a war.”

Simple as that.

Okay. What is your purpose in life if there is NO AFTERLIFE or soul?

Same thing either way. I’m hoping my legacy will be to make people happier and smarter and healthier. AND HEALTHIER. Make people healthier they’ll live longer.

So what is my purpose in life if there is no— I guess it’s that same thing. Whether I have an afterlife or not– It’s not gonna affect what I’m leaving behind. So I’m willing to just leave it behind… And there we go. I’ll go on to my next thing.

But actually, if I am going to believe in an afterlife–I’ve got all kinds of religions. I’m a member of so many different religions and believe in all of them–One at a time. And seriously, I could spend one day in each religion. Be a lot of fun. Be a Catholic one day. Native American the next day. Taoist the next way-day. And a Buddhist the next day. And a Confucianist the next day. Then start– I could just have fun each day. And each one I’d… Okay.

But, which afterlife would I prefer?

Ahhhhhh. Now that’s an interesting question. I wouldnt-didn’t have this answer when I wrote this book thirty years ago. And… I’ve studied a lot more religions and books and I know a lot more about the afterlife. That’s why I’m not sure I’m coming back. I may want to mess around. If there is an afterlife: there’s a chance I can control my spirit. And I’m not sure why. Actually I might be… My friend who passed away last week gave me a clue as to how I can control myself in the afterlife. And in his case we were just starting to talk about it and he was kind of perturbed. He was helping me with my ‘5 Soul Concept.’ He had a WOMAN in the first position so he wasn’t real happy about that. But he couldn’t disavow it. [laughs] He was not real happy about that. But still, if he would’ve just hung in there… He could’ve accepted it. And dealt with it better. But we hadn’t quite gotten to that.

And that’s what I was trying to do, was help people. USE what they have to their best ability.

Let’s see. I got on that for some reason. Oh. And I was kind of starting to think maybe the reason I can control myself in the afterlife is because when I– if I did. IF I did get a vision of his after- of his final moment in the spirit– Separation between us and them… I tried to reach him. Or say, “Hello,” after I found out… Found out hours after so I don’t know. But in my mind, or in my imagination: I had a very bizarre image of him leaving our reality. Which gave me some clues as to how to control leaving this reality–if there is a spiritual world. And I saw something I’d never seen before. When I saw this. So like I said… Could’ve been my imagination. But it’s something I’ve never seen before, and I’ve imagined it since. Still– I’m stilltrying to grasp that or understand that image that I saw.

But it made me consider the possibility that it’s your merging– Remember I was talking about those 5 souls? If you can get those souls to connect better–then you have more control in the afterlife. But if they all just split apart– you don’t have as much control. And you’re just drawn off to those directions in the afterlife.

So that’s one of the things I’m studying now is, can I control the afterlife by keeping my souls together. Or at least two or three of them. Or something like that. Could that give me more power in the afterlife, as opposed to being just one WORKER soul or a WOMAN soul. If I’m a WOMAN-WORKER-WARRIOR soul. Or a MUSICIAN, MANAGER, WARRIOR… does that give me more power in the afterlife? If I can fuse those spirits in the afterlife. That’s what I’m working on.

Sorry if I freaked you out. But anyway. I’ve gotta start plugging that book. Because I’m gonna release it in the next year or two. So I’d like to get a little buzz going. Because it’s obviously gonna freak people out. Whether it’s true or not. It’s a different way to look at things. But its really made everything understandable.

Everything that I could not understand about my family, my kids, my ex-wives… When I look at it throught ‘5 Souls’ now I can– I can be at peace now. I can be a happy Taoist now that I understand that. It allows me to put everything into perspective.

Eight minutes here. Daily Taoist getting out of here.

Oh, did I read this at the end of it? What we were supposed to read? Yeah. I think we did. The underlying truths. And everything being abstact. And people can then control how you think. And lead you in ignorace even when you don’t know it.

Yeah, so…Watch out for slogans. I was anti-slogan for years. Then I came to realize we all think in slogans.

So how can I use slogans to be more positive.

You’ll see me use them to some extent. But I’m actually ANTI-slogan. And there’s a reason for that. I want to get out of here before the 10-minute mark.

The reason for not believing slogans is because they STOP your thinking.

In other words, as soon as I said, “Yeah. But that’s good enough.” Then the conversations ended.

So be careful. Slogans END CONVERSATIONS.

Or, “It’s better than that.” Something like that. Those are slogans. The end the conversation.

So be real careful. We all use them all the time.

I’ve been trying to get them out of my life because they end conversations and THEY END YOUR THINKING process.

The Daily taoist getting out of here saying, “My slogan is to end all slogans.”

Just use them appropriately and know when you’re using them.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

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