Daily Taoist 1_27 – Buddha Zhen Discusess TAO #16 about Success, Goals, Self-Promotion and Ego

YouTube Video TRANSCIPT: Daily Taoist 27

This is a– Daily Taoist here. Hello everybody.

This one I’ve got right here today is– I’m not sure how much to say. But here we go.

Daily Taoist 27 is Buddha Zhen reading Tao #16 of the book Tao of Taoism based on the writings of Lao Tzu.

NUMBER 16 of Lao Tzu’s DAO TE CHING. And… we’re reading my book. My version of it called TAO OF TAOISM – USING THE DAO TE CHING TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE.

And so here we go. #16.

I’m Richard Del Connor. Buddha Zhen.

Oh yeah. I should be doing a commercial. Go to ShaolinInteractive.com and for a thousand bucks sign up for one whole belt rank. I don’t know how many videos per each one. A lot. 80 videos per each belt rank. So 80 videos and… We actually give you uniforms and all kinds of stuff under that price. So the actual cost of the class comes out to $5 a class I think. Something like that. [laughs] So that’s a good deal. Each video, they start at about 45 minutes and go up to like two hours so–

But anyway. ShaolinInteractive.com My commercial. Alright. Buddha Zhen here.

Let’s back to #16. This is a tough one. I was kind of perplexed. All these things I was thinking. Let’s get this out of my system. That’s why I’m here. Getting this book out of my system. I’m learning. I’m learning a lot with you. I wrote this book years ago. But the idea here is to learn how to use it to shape your life. Look. It’s all blanks. More blanks than words.

Here we go. NUMBER 16.

Being aware of the Nature of events–
(Remember I use ‘Nature’ wherever you’d use ‘Tao.’ The Tao of events. The Nature. The Mother Nature of events.)
–is to accept not only the completion of events,

but also the declines of success.

Let’s finish this. This is one to unpack. There’s a lot here.

To be absorbed by achievements, or cling to rewards: is to decline with them.

That’s like– I dunno. Off the top of my head: a boat. If you built a boat. So to be absorbed by your achievements: “I built a boat. I want to tell everybody I built that boat.” Ten years later, “I built a boat…”

Okay. Maybe you even won an award in a race ten years ago. “I built a boat that won a race twenty years ago.”

…is to decline with them.

Well maybe that year that was great. The next year it’s like, “Yeah. That was last year. What are doing this year?” I’m talking about last year… “Two years ago…”

“Yeah, you already told us.”

Three years later: “Hey, I built that boat that won three years ago.”

Then, “Yeah, I know. You already told us.”

Then he’d meet somebody ten years later. “Hey I built a boat that won a race ten years ago.”

“Oh. Okay. Good.”

So once again you can kind of see the decline of appreciation of clinging to that event. And in the martial arts world I’ve been very impressed, or unimpressed… disappointed to see how people have clung to their rewards or their awards they received thirty, forty, fifty years ago. [laughs] What have they done since?

So, anyway… It’s kind of sad. You’ve gotta move on. Getting new awards. New rewards… like an actor. So what if you won an award in 1989. It’s 2020 now. What are you going to do now.

Well, you’re retired. Okay. That’s fine. Okay–if you’re not going to do anything– then that’s the time to look backwards.

But if you’re still moving forwards then let’s keep looking at you today and forwards… Okay?

Okay. So let’s read that one more time.

Being aware of the Nature of events is not only accept the completion of events–
(Okay. Building the boat. And maybe winning a race.)
–but also the declines of success.

Okay. To win is great. But if you’re not going to keep winning then– the new winners.

To be absorbed by achievements, or cling to rewards– (or awards– as I put it) –is to decline with them.

Even a reward. “Yeah, I made a thousand bucks off that–that race.”

Okay. Well what’s that worth now? …don’t get corny. [laughs] Alright? All the bucks is gone. You spent it.

Questions in the Tao of Taoism to be answered by THE READER.

So let’s go. Here we go real fast. It’s already been four minutes. I’m trying to figure out how long it takes to make this show. Because I’m going to record a real audiobook.

Do you appreciate a third place winning as much as a first place winning and why?
Do you appreciate, a third place winning as much as a first place winning… and why?

Do you work harder to win something that you normally work at similar things? And why?
Whoops. Let me read that again.
Do you work harder to win something THAN you normally work at similar things? And why?

Oh okay. So you see if you want to WIN something–do you work harder at it than something else you do very similar?

But in order to WIN you work harder.

How quickly do move on to another goal when one goal is completed?
How quickly do move on to another goal when one goal is completed?

How do you know when one goal is completed?
How do you know when one goal is completed?

How do you decide–How do you decide what your next goal is?
How do you decide what your next goal is?

How obligated do you feel about continuing what you’re already successful at?
Remember I told you about people who ride that old success.
How obligated do you feel aout continuing what you’ve already been successful at?

That was one of the things I was explaining in a previous podcast. I didn’t want to be successful at being a television repairman. Because that success was going to hold me back. Wouldn’t propel me forward. Not where I wanted to go.

How do you feel about other people. How do you feel about how people view you after winning or achieving something?

When you win or achieve something–like you run a race. And then you win. How do you think people look at you? And talk about you. And think about you.

Do you feel required to continue a success for family or friends.

So if you did win that race: then your family and friends are going to expect you keep winning it over and over… Right? How are you going to satisfy them? Whatever that that you’ve done successfully? Maybe it’s making a bunch of money in a business deal.

Must you display your trophies prominently?
Do you feel compelled? Do you have all your stuff out?

I do have some of my stuff out, but it was kind of interesting as I was putting it out. I was kind of realizing how I was kind of saving certain things for when I was a senior and retired… Then I thought, “HEY. I’m a senior.” I’m not retired yet. [laughs] I’m 66 years old. I was planning on unpacking this stuff ten years ago because I thought I was gonna retire at 55. I thought that was going to be over the hill.

Here I am 66 years old starting a Kung Fu program. ShaolinInterative.com

I’ve also some free website. A free–the first five classes. You can go to ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com and take those. And then retake them at ShaolinInterative.com Keep going for 190 videos.

Okay. So where are we?

And you only get like three a week. It’s gonna take you along time. Think of it as a lifestyle.

That my heater? I think I turned it down to 75. So it wouldn’t turn on.

Do you feel you must meet standards represented by your rewards or successes?

And how long do you discuss your winnings and achievements after they’ve occurred?

Remember we’re talking about how you deal with it and connect to the past. Okay?

What organizations are you a member of and why?

And I gave like four lines, so, I mean, you don’t have time to–maybe you’re driving or something… so don’t get in a car accident. Anyway. Think of the organizations you’re a member of and WHY are you a member of those organizations? A couple I’ve dropped out of over the years. Like SMPTE. Society of Motion Picture Television Engineers. Or “AND” Television Engineers. Motion Pictures and Television Enginners. Because when I went to UCLA and graduated I had to choose between television and motion pictures. There were two of them. Totally separate: video and film. Now they’ve kind of merged. [laughs] Everything’s digital now. But you had to go one way or the other. SMPTE. The Society of Motion Picture Television–Motion Picture AND Television Engineers. I used to be a member of them when I graduated UCLA–I was a part of that.

And I thought, “Well, I’m not really working in the industry any more.” 90s you know. And I had to pay annual dues. It was only like thirty bucks but when you really get poor that can seem like a lot of money.

Sorry. I digress. Where are we?

What organizations of–Okay. Which of these organizations no longer serve a useful purpose for you?

I just answered that one for me. You personally.

What organizations would serve you better–that you’re not a member of?

So rethink that. Things have changed. I do Kung Fu, so I’ve been looking for Kung Fu organizations to join.

And I found a few of them. But most Kung Fu people are kind of poor like me because they’re not putting out a lot of members. It takes a lot of money to run an organization. And throw those banquets–you gotta pay like fifty bucks and– fifty bucks for a dinner is a lot for me. And then you’ve gotta contribute to the organization so they can do some paperwork and letterhead. I don’t have any money to help them after that. So I don’t begrudge them for wanting membership fees and paying for these annual banquets. I’m just looking forward to being able to afford them. And then I was going to join some.

What achievements pertain to your new goals?

My new goals. Well if I was to say that goal of joining those organiztions and attending more of their events and tournaments. Then, just … yeah. The achievements I need are selling the classes and getting recognized as a COOL online Shaolin Kung Fu Kwoon. Which means school.

Lastly: What new goals would benefit from which new achievements to be attained?
What new goals would benefit– So what of your new goals would benefit from these new achievements that you want to attain?

Summaries by Buddha Zhen

Gee that was a complicated question.

So in other words you’ve gotta look at that. You start thinking of the next one. You’ve gotta look at them snowballing. You finish one movie as an actor and you’ve gotta get started on the next one. You don’t just start talking to everybody about that movie you made ten years ago. Not talking about it. You’ve got to go on to the next goal.

So if you can you want to leverage each achievement to kind of springboard you into the next one.

So, “HEY this movie I’m in–is like this movie…” So you’re already pitching for your next movie before you even finish it. And then when its done, hopefully you did a good job and you want to hurry up and get a job while everybody’s excited about it. Because a year later, “You made that move a year ago. Do anything since then?”

So you want to kind of keep moving forward. There’s my suggestion. That’s how you want to be with the Tao. The Tao of an actor is actually to keep moving. Not just keep talking about that one movie you made. You know you just want to keep moving. No matter how good a movie you make or you get an Oscar–You can’t look at that as a peak. It’s just another movie. Going on down the line.. But you obviously leverage them. Use the Tao to play with them.

Here I go. The Daily Taoist, Buddha Zhen here. See ya on our next Daily Tao.


Tao of Taoism — Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life by Buddha Zhen (Richard Del Connor)

AUDIOBOOKS and PAPERBACKS and Kindle eBOOKS by Buddha Zhen from Amazon .com 

BOOKS by Buddha Zhen

Buddha Zhen (Shifu Zhen Shen-Lang: Zen Kung Fu Master and Chinese Music Composer)

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Shaolin Chi Mantis traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes

Produced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records

Copyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications

Music and excerpts used by permission of Shaolin Records, Shaolin Communications, and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP