Buddha Z the Daily Taoist

The DAILY TAOIST is Buddha Z

I wrote a book when I was in UCLA Film School in 1986 called THE DAO – COMING TO TERMS. It was my personal guide in life as a Taoist. (I will use Dao and Tao, Daoist and Taoist interchangeably… They are the same.) Taoism is the old Cantonese dialect not used in China anymore. I studied Chinese for several years and learned only the Mandarin Chinese new and current language of China which uses:

  • Daoism
  • Gongfu
  • Taijiquan…

So if I mix them up… it’s to be more commercial. During the 1990s I switched everything to Mandarin… but now I’m switching much of my writings back to Cantonese for better understanding by the American reader.

Tao of Taoism bookThe DAILY TAOIST show was an accident a week ago. I spent a couple days setting up my recording studio for recording my first audiobook in my new home in Lancaster, California. I decided to create a couple INSTAGRAM shows to warm up and create some promotion for the audiobook of TAO OF TAOISM – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life.

I sat down in my Shaolin Kung Fu school, put on a Taoist robe and started talking. I was looking for a rhythm or way to share this book, Tao of Taoism, as an audiobook, knowing it had a huge impediment: it’s a question-and-answer type book. There are more blank spaces for writing the answers to the questions –than sentences.

Next, I realized that this is a book that cannot really be just an audiobook. The audiobook is a great kickstart, and perhaps more enlightening than most books of Taoism–but the book was written for the READER’s ANSWERS, more than just spraying people with Taoist enlightenment.

So I decided to add my own answers to the questions as I elaborated on the questions. This was cool. I got carried away–as expected, and I shared all kinds of personal and perhaps embarrassing stories about my life and ways of thinking. I think my personal stories added to the enlightenment, but the true purpose of this book is to extract the answers from the reader.

69 Free Videos for an Audiobook?

So Buddha Z tried several techniques and reading methods throughout the DAILY TAOIST series of 69 videos. I was quite surprised at the number 69 magically popping up. As a Zen Buddhist I do not believe in magic or superstition. But as a Taoist, numerology and superstitions have always found a home for romantics and beginning thinkers. #69 is aYin-Yang number (or #96… but #69 looks more like a Yin-Yang symbol.) Anyway, I’d finished reading the entire Tao of Taoism book, and recorded a couple commercials totalling 69 videos–I felt completed… a sense of completion… and perhaps a magical package that was destined to improve the world. (Are Taoists allowed to consider “destiny?”) Those various reading techniques appear to best served by reading a passage or question once; then reading it again slightly differently; then discussing it.

But then I realized that by asking people to meditate and consider their answers to some of the questions–if they were driving in a car: I may be distracting their attention too much. This concern was expressed in the DAILY TAOIST series several times by Buddha Z.

So it is imperative that the reader purchase the book and fill-in the blanks. Buddha Z emphasized that this is important for mental and spiritual growth because these answers will change over decades and illuminate to the reader their progress intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically as these questions address lifestyle issues. When you reread this book in a few years, it will inspire you differently and provide an awareness of your intellectual growth since then.

Notebook or Audiobook or Paperback?

The TAO OF TAOISM is available at Amazon.com? Well, for a while. The book was written in 1985 as a personal life-guide of Richard Del Connor while attending UCLA. In 1992 when Sifu Richard O’Connor (that was my name then) founded Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Gongfu & Taoist Taijiquan: he rewrote the book for his newly founded Shaolin Kung Fu school. Then, in 2011 it was rewritten to be more commercially viable and useful to people outside of the Shaolin Chi Mantis schools. Many of the martial arts questions were removed.

Since 2005 when our TAI CHI BEGINNER book, TAI CHI INTERMEDIATE book, BUDDHA KUNG FU STUDENT MANUAL and SHAOLIN KUNG FU BEGINNER books were sold as ebooks: it proved very complicated for people to print the books themselves or muster the money and effort to have a photocopy store do it for them. Some students made some money printing them out and selling them to fellow students. I encouraged that. I’ve always encouraged my students to be entrepreneurs and let them buy supplies for the school to sell at a profit.

However, since this book cannot be accomplished by the reader in its ebook format–all distributors: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks are going to have their ebooks deleted soon. (Probably gone by the time you read this?) I was considering an 8.5″ x 11″ paperback, but filling in the blanks is more difficult and the binding may break… So I will probably find a printer to create these notebook versions and mail them myself. Actually, I’d gladly pay one of my students a profitable amount for them to do this for me.

10 Notebooks of Tao Of Taoism Found

Wow, I found ten notebook versions of TAO OF TAOISM of the 18 copies I printed for a book event in 2014. All 18 of these notebooks were signed and dated by me at the time. I personally printed them, punched holes in the paper and inserted them in notebooks with covers, back covers, and THE SPINES which are difficult to insert into the notebook exteriors. Since these are ‘collector items’ I’m wondering what to do with them. I’m considering saving them for a few years more and then auctioning them when the TAO OF TAOISM is a book in demand. I’m hoping that I will not be the one personally printing and building these in the future.

Weird. I’ve got a great book, and I don’t know how to sell it.

Daily Taoist Show is Reading Tao of Taoism Book

Back to the DAILY TAOIST who is READING the TAO OF TAOISM book. I shot all 69 videos in the Instagram VERTICAL FORMAT. I’ve seen countless warnings, “Don’t ever shoot in the vertical format!!!” But I thought I was only going to shoot a few as samples to gather interest in the audiobook. I realize now that the audiobook of TAO OF TAOISM will also be inspiring and useful but it is the NOTEBOOK version I want to sell mostly. It works the best for the reader. I’m curious to see the future of this book’s distribution now… What will it be?

At any rate, the entire book is in these Instagram videos. Sheesh. Another product I’m giving away for free. No regrets about improving the minds of this planet… but I’d like to rise from my poverty.

Rich Connor Singing Webmaster

This Blog Will Be My Homepage

Shaolin Buddha Onstage

I’m not performing this year in 2020. I’m going to focus on being Buddha Zhen instead of Buddha Z this year.  I’ve cancelled all my poetry performances and shows for 2020 also.  Although I was performing under the title, “Richard Del Connor – Philosopher Poet,” I always began and ended all performances with the traditional one-handed Luohan Bow used by Disciples of Bodhidharma of the original Shaolin Temple.  Even when performing as “Kung Fu Cowboy” at several night clubs and a couple videotaped performances at Kulak’s Woodshed in North Hollywood, this Luohan Bow, is the only way that I bow during public performances.  I think I was using this bow in 1989 at clubs like Club Lingerie in Hollywood when I performed solo.  Perhaps not during the band performances of the COYOTE GRAVEYARD band or the prior rock opera performances of Coyote In A Graveyard.  I’m not sure.  Unfortunately, there are no videos of those performances — that I know of.

Hmmm.  There are some videos of performances of the “THE COYOTE” band in Salt Lake City.  I look forward to unearthing those videos some day and transferring them to digital from 1/2″ VHS.  I need a VHS player.  Where do you find one of those?  Pawn shop?

Zen is intelligenceWhen I performed with my children for a half-dozen or more cable television performances, I think we all bowed that way.  Some of those are on 3/4″ video masters of broadcast quality.  Once again, I need to find a 3/4″ video player to transfer those.  

So that means this blog probably won’t have much activity in 2020. But I’d like to get it ready, perhaps even develop the beginnings of a fan base, and have some places ready for the albums and books I wanna release in 2021.

First Blog Homepage of Shaolin Communications

This is my first website using a BLOG as the HOMEPAGE.  I think it will be a good idea when I start performing as BUDDHA Z.  When that happens, this website will become my prime focus.

Currently, I’m focusing on being BUDDHA ZHEN and filming all the classes for the BEGINNER LEVEL of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu, Taoist Tai Chi Chuan, and Confucian Strategy ONLINE SCHOOL at www.ShaolinInteractive.com 

Webmaster Without a Computer

I’ve shot over 100 classes and will start offering them for sale… I hope this month of February 2020.  Both of my Apple Macintosh computers have died this year.  One was a 2003 ibook and the other a 2007 quad core…  

I’ve borrowed this PC computer which cannot edit my videos or… but I can do a few things…

Lacking Support for Shaolin…

I have an amused frustration over fundraising and seeking supporters of our

  • Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu
  • Youth Programs using Tai Chi Chuan
  • American Zen – America’s First Buddhist Rock Band
  • Buddha Z – author of Supersoul 13, Tai Chi Beginner, and Tao of Taoism – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life
  • Buddha Zhen – Shaolin Records artist releasing CD album of Meditation Music: Tai Chi Magic
  • The Hippy Coyote album : Coyote Radio Tujunga
  • Kung Fu Cowboy album release: End Of The Line recorded in his Tacoma truck while homeless
  • Richard Del Connor “Philosopher Poet” performances of poetry and solo flute
  • Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON teaching Northern Shaolin Kung Fu (88 videos per belt rank)
  • FREE Shaolin Kung Fu at www.ShaolinKungFuBeginner.com
  • Just being filmed and released FREE episodes of the DAILY TAOIST on Instagram
  • Self-help book based on Lao Tzu: TAO OF TAOISM – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life
  • Or any of our Shaolin Communications enterprises founded by Richard Del Connor in 1984:
    • www.ShaolinCOM.com
    • www.ShaolinRecords.com
    • www.BuddhaKungFu.com
    • www.ShaolinChiMantis.com
  • And websites of Shaolin Records exclusive artists:
    • www.AmericanZen.org
    • www.BuddhaZ.com
    • www.BuddhaZhen.com
    • www.CoyoteRadio.TV
    • www.CoyoteRadio.net
    • www.KungFuCowboy.com
    • www.HippyCoyote.com
  • And product websites:
    • www.TaiChiMagic.com
    • www.CoyoteRadioTujunga.com

Social Media Marketing

Facebook Pages of Shaolin Communications

  • Zombie Three
  • Shaolin Records
  • Buddha Zhen
  • Shaolin Digital
  • Buddha Kung Fu
  • Shaolin Chi Mantis Buddhist Gongfu and Taijiquan
  • Tai Chi Youth
  • Kung Fu Cowboy
  • Chinese Yoga
  • Shaolin Communications
  • Shaolin Pictures
  • American Zen
  • The Happy Hippie Hippy Coyote
  • Supersoul
  • The Rich
  • Zen Buddhist Podcast of Shaolin Zen
  • A Cat Named Bear
  • Shaolin Zen
  • Chinatown Comics

Twitter Accounts

  • Richard Del Connor
  • Buddha Zhen

Patreon Donor Accounts

  • Richard Del Connor
  • Buddha Zhen “Buddha Z”

Instagram Accounts

  • Richard Del Connor
  • Buddha Zhen “Buddha Z”

One-Man Marketing Campaign

As you know, I’m a one-man operation since 1991 when my daughter was born. I tried several times to have a rock band with other musicians in 1991 when I formed AMERICAN ZEN in Salt Lake City, Utah. I decided when she was born that I was going to be responsible for raising her. I became a 24/7 Mr. Mom. I’m proud of how well I raised her. I tried putting her in daycare when she was five years old after spending every day all day changing diapars, and caring for her. I was hoping to gain some extra time to work on my INDEPENDENT RECORD LABEL, Shaolin Records, formed in 1984 when I released my first vinyl record.

However, both I and Caitlin’s mother agreed that her behavior and language skills were being subverted and undermined by associating with the other daycare children being supervised by teenagers without sufficient parenting skills. We both decided it was in Caitlin’s best interest if I resumed raising her full-time and continued her homeschooling until Kindergarten when I could be an assistant teacher at Bennion Elementary in 1997 when he taught all her fellow students their first computer skills. During the holiday vacations of Easter and Summer months, I also taught Tai Chi classes for free to the entire school. There were so many students we divided them into grades 1 to 3, followed by another group of students grades 4 and 5.

During those years I founded Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu by volunteering and teaching at a Maximum Securigy Prison for two years, a couple rehabilitation centers, the YWCA, several other elementary schools,, a middle school, a high school, and several churches. I was accompanied by my daughter when she wasn’t attending public school except at the prison. There are lots of photos of her in the classes. My lifelong smile was also earned when she was able to lead all the adults at the Unitarian Church for the first half-hour of yoga, kicking and punching exercises when she was only 5-years old.

My son was born in 1998 and when he started kindergarten the teacher was amazed that he knew mathematics and could spell the word, “computer.” I really enjoyed raising my kids and obviously put a lot of time and effort into it. My years in Salt Lake City were rich with the lives I helped and benefited in our Shaolin Chi Mantis and Tai Chi Youth classes. I have letters of thanks from the office of the Governor, mayor and was surprised when the Chief of Police gave me credit for “cleaning up Liberty Park with my Kung Fu classes.”

Being a “hippy Buddhist from California” earned me some scorn from some Salt Lake Mormons who even tried to get me boycotted and fired from some of the institutions I became renowned at. This resulted in a backlash against them from the “Mormon Politboro” who issued “edicts?” to local parishes to stop their parishoners from hassling me. This resulted in the last few years I spent in Salt Lake City being wonderful and fruitful. The local Karate teachers would cringe when my students showed up at tournaments because they shined so brightly with skills and social graces beyond their competing students.

Shaolin Chi Mantis Sanctioned by Utah Board of Education

Rich Connor Singing Webmaster

Shaolin Digital Needs New Apple Macintosh Computer

Much to our disappointment, the computer we had before moving to Lancaster… is not functioning.  This is a setback.  We are researching the problem.  Probably need a new computer.

PC Resurrection

Oscar Barrera loaned me a PC a year ago.  Hard to complain about a gift… 

Patreon Accounts for Computer Donations

We started TWO Patreon accounts;

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